Example sentences of "hand over [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She put her hand over its back and then slowly began to climb down .
2 Holding a joint of beef before him on an outstretched arm , he would wave his free hand over its surface in a gesture approaching a mystical rite , conferring upon the excellence of his merchandise a value far in excess of what the none-too-prosperous housewives of Reine hoped to pay .
3 Jeff loves it ; he strokes his hand over her head as if she were a child .
4 ‘ Now you look pretty , ’ he said approvingly , running the palm of his hand over her head to give it a final shine .
5 Her right cheek twitched and she ran a hand over her head to brush down some stray , dyed hairs .
6 He came up behind her , put one hand over her shoulder and one around her waist .
7 She ran a hand over her hair , arranged the shawl so that it covered both her and the baby , and went out with her long resolute stride ; she had recovered quickly from this birth .
8 Blanche coughed and ran a hand over her forehead .
9 Iris passed a hand over her forehead .
10 Sophie passed her hand over her forehead , then began to unfasten the drip .
11 He drew the splayed fingers of one hand over her throat and down to cup one breast , and , even as she tried to back away , Shannon felt her nipples puckering , begging for his touch .
12 ‘ Oh , ’ Erika placed her hand over her mouth .
13 He swore vehemently , causing Maggie to clamp a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing .
14 She turned to me as the train slowed , her hand over her mouth and her eyes wide .
15 ‘ You must be mad , insane , ’ Agnes almost yelled at her , only to clap a hand over her mouth and glance towards the door as if expecting it to open and her mother to appear ; and for a while there was silence between them , except for the slight moaning sound coming from Jessie .
16 And when Jessie saw this man that she loved slide down the wall , then drop onto his side , she screamed ; but her screaming was soon checked by her father who , staggering towards her , put his hand over her mouth then twisted one of her arms behind her and thrust her towards the staircase door .
17 Mrs Beattie laughed again , so hard in fact she had to put her hand over her mouth .
18 As the door closed , Mrs Stocks wiped the back of her hand over her mouth .
19 Ernest clapped a hand over her mouth .
20 She stopped abruptly , almost as if she had metaphorically clapped a hand over her mouth .
21 He held his hand over her mouth and tried to pull down her ski pants .
22 Before she could cry out , he put his left hand over her mouth to silence her .
23 Jane , watching from the entrance , had a hand over her mouth .
24 Picking Benny up gently he cradled his head in his lap , conscious of his-mother standing in the garden , her hand over her mouth as if terrified of what she might find .
25 She stood in the restaurant with her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes .
26 She put her hand over her mouth .
27 Alice yawned , put her hand over her mouth , said , " Sorry , we were up late … " and yawned again , offering the policewoman the right sort of smile .
28 Then she realized what she had said and put a hand over her mouth in consternation .
29 I reach forward , the knife in one hand , the other glove touching then gathering and balling a fistful of duvet and then pulling it sharply , throwing it away behind me as I leap forward , seeing her pale nakedness in the same instant as I slap my hand over her mouth ; her eyes open wide and she starts trying to push up ; I force her back down into the bed , hand still over her mouth .
30 Cassie caught her breath , putting her hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying out .
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