Example sentences of "hand [conj] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She was a nobody when she first came to us and now she 's trying to bite the hand that fed her , ’ said a spokesman for the TV company bitterly .
2 Jay remembered the sun in the garden , the paddling pool , her mother meeting her after school , face lighting up with love and joy as her little girl pelted out of school like a tornado , seized her mother 's hand and dragged her home down the street , read to her , played with her , woke her with a kiss , read her a bedtime story .
3 His good spirits thus restored , Rickie seized his sister 's hand and dragged her excitedly towards the boat .
4 In Through the Looking Glass , you will remember , the Red Queen seized Alice by the hand and dragged her , faster and faster , on a frenzied run through the countryside , but no matter how fast they ran they always stayed in the same place .
5 It was an old number , fast and furious , and he held her hand and twirled her around , pulling her in close , propelling her away , looking relaxed and so unlike the Luke Denner that she had come to love to hate that she wondered if she was n't hallucinating .
6 Now , as she prepared to close the window , the robin returned , standing only inches from her hand and eyeing her with great deliberation , his tiny head cocked to one side and his bright eyes glinting in the sunshine .
7 She moved to go past him , but he shot out a hand and restrained her .
8 And she took the child by the hand and walked her to the settle , and when they were seated she looked at the small figure by her side , at the hair , like a golden halo round the oval face , and the limpid grey eyes gazing so trustfully at her .
9 Miguel took her chin in his hand and tipped her face up towards him .
10 I went and sat by her bed and held her hand and let her cry and forgave her and defended her with Daddy and Minny .
11 And the kids , then aged eleven and thirteen , sat by her side for four hours holding her hand and telling her she was going to get better .
12 you know , so to go before hand and fetch her here back with us
13 Something outside her , mysterious and huge , put out a kindly exploring hand and touched her .
14 That ominous expression of sympathy from pebbled-glassed Jules , who took her hand and asked her meaningfully how she was ?
15 Jesus took the little girl by the hand and told her to get up .
16 Eventually the train pulled into Wiltham and Albert leapt down and opened the carriage door , taking Charlotte 's hand and helping her down .
17 Then he took Victoria 's hand and led her towards the strange woman .
18 He took her hand and led her up the steps .
19 He made no response , but just took her hand and led her towards the stable-block .
20 At the final curtain , Asshe took his daughter s hand and led her forward ; the hazel eyes were fixed on the gallery , and did not perceive Paul .
21 Rosie took Artemis by the hand and led her down the corridor to a small room right at the end .
22 I took Montaine by the hand and led her through the empty rooms … there were very many .
23 He took her hand and led her to the open-air dance-floor just as the band slipped into the first of their slow numbers .
24 I stood up , took Flavia 's hand and led her into a little room .
25 He took her hand and led her out of the café .
26 Alexander took her hand and led her to the door that led out on to the path that wound down towards the beach .
27 I took her hand and led her into the centre of the dancers , as the light failed over Wimbledon .
28 Her eyes were only very slightly glazed as Fernando Serra tightened his grip on her hand and led her out of the Guadalquivir suite .
29 He took her hand and led her into the atrium , where she turned and went into his arms .
30 Fenella was seated next to Inchbad , who patted her hand and said she was a pretty little thing , but seemed preoccupied .
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