Example sentences of "already [v-ing] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His eyelids were already fluttering into sleep .
2 And that 's beginning to show er up in the chemistry of the lakes and streams , some recovery of some lakes are already recovering in response to that reduction of emissions , but not all by any means .
3 SunSelect , however , is already toying with notions of porting Sun 's network NFS to it and is in early discussions with Microsoft , which is currently looking to DEC to buck up its NT networking capabilities , exploring points of synergy .
4 The vultures are already circling around Howard Kendall , suggesting Everton 's slump to third from bottom of the Premier League is confirmation of his folly in returning to the scene of his greatest triumphs .
5 By the time Charles Dickens got there in 1842 , trains were already careering through America :
6 Indeed , with embryonic OLTP products like Unix System Labs 's Tuxedo , Transarc Corp 's Encina and now IBM 's CICS/6000 already struggling for mind and market share , X/Open will be under pressure to avoid the problems that it faced — and to some extent still does — over the lack of a standard for graphical user interfaces , GUIs .
7 There were reports that some ministers , less optimistic in the face of evidence that a number of her supporters were already defecting to Heseltine , were seeking to stabilise the situation by holding out the prospect that Mrs Thatcher might retire voluntarily in the spring , making an orderly succession possible then .
8 On its completion in 1994 , the plant will supply 16,500 tonnes — 8m gallons — of ice-cream a year to the seven Baskin-Robbins stores already trading in Moscow , St Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod .
9 Diplomats like Sir Nevile Henderson in Berlin — already dying of cancer — wore themselves grey and corpselike in the struggle , while in London every avenue was open .
10 Christian accompanied him once to Ireland to watch a new filly run , took one look through the field-glasses , announced he was already dying of boredom , and departed to look at paintings .
11 The blow struck only partly home , because Satan was already twisting in mid-air , trying for another bite as he dropped away .
12 They agreed to extend the aid programme ( already applying to Hungary and Poland ) to Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Yugoslavia and ( pending unification ) East Germany , on the grounds that all four had made sufficient progress towards democracy and a free market economy .
13 He plans to leave the service in December this year and , with the renewed confidence of a graduate , is already applying for work .
14 ‘ But we have a number of players already challenging for places ahead of him and he will be given time to acclimatise . ’
15 The remainder of these unfortunates were already contributing to family incomes as labourers , shop boys , glovers , house-servants , rag collectors and so on .
16 Cameron and Menzies found themselves moving out of the door in a file of soldiers whose feet were already walking in step .
17 It is already happening in New Zealand where you can qualify for a remission of 60 if you dig the grave yourself , provided you can do it to the proper standards as prescribed by the local district council and bring your own tools .
18 That may sound extreme , but it is already happening in England , where market place education is rather further developed .
19 More recently there have been letters and articles predicting a world population of 15 billion , but no account has been taken of the fact that between 10 and 25 per cent could die of AIDS in the next twenty years , as is already happening in parts of Africa .
20 It was not necessary to break up large collective and state farms ( as was already happening in parts of Georgia and the Ukraine ) to give peasants more incentive ; they could form associations or joint-stock companies or leaseholders .
21 Police are already hunting for bodies working on the killer 's directions .
22 The man was already living beyond sundown , George told himself .
23 When people were already living in towns and storing grain from year to year , the crops hit upon a new strategy for propagating their own kind .
24 The residence period for a British Overseas Citizen to qualify as a British Citizen has not yet been specified , nor have the rights , if any , of British citizens already living in Britain .
25 He said the parish was already searching for premises large enough to house its office and the CAB .
26 Sooty turned to Yanto , who was already grinning with anticipation .
27 Representatives of several lead bodies are already serving on SCOTVEC 's sector boards .
28 If they could put their private patients into the private wards of the hospitals where they were already serving as NHS consultants , the organisation of their lives became infinitely easier .
29 Letters of recommendation were often requested by those about to sail for India or another overseas possession , and such letters were even sought by those already serving in India when they appreciated that the interest of a man of influence would accelerate their own advancement .
30 Four senior British policemen are already serving in South Africa in peace-keeping and observer roles .
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