Example sentences of "already [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 Yet it had also already proven to be a powerful and flexible tool for tackling complex system building tasks as set out in Bobrow et al ( 1977 ) .
2 ( b ) Repeated loans Where the capital sum paid to the settlor is a sum paid by way of loan , then if one or more capital sums have previously been paid to the settlor by way of loan and wholly repaid , the amount of that capital sum shall be treated as equal to its excess ( if any ) over so much of the sum or sums previously paid as had already fallen to be treated as his income by virtue of s677(1) ( TA 1988 , s677(4) ( b ) ) .
3 On all of these 29 weekly flights , passengers will be able to enjoy Varig 's warm hospitality and excellent inflight service , which Europeans have already voted to be the best for travelling to South America .
4 Some troops would be left to besiege Portsmouth , while the rest of this force , forming the left wing of the invading army , would turn inland , through Petersfield to Farnham , to come into line with the right wing , already expected to be well established in Surrey .
5 The effect of sanctions on the island 's weak economy , highly dependent on trade with the USA , was expected to be instantaneous and food and oil supplies were already reported to be nearly exhausted .
6 In the interim , Lloyd Webber is already reported to be working on another musical .
7 Some banks are already reported to be refusing to repossess land that is polluted or contaminated , on the grounds that they might be obliged to pay the costs of cleaning up the property .
8 In a population that has already come to be dominated by Always Defect , no other strategy does better .
9 Lévi-Strauss focuses on the ambivalence which we have already seen to be such a distinctive feature of the Critique , pointing in particular to Sartre 's vacillation between two concepts of dialectical reason .
10 The Games , already destined to be the largest ever , now have to find room for the extra 3,306 competitors and officials registered by the end of last month , bringing the total to 18,306 .
11 ’ He was n't yet thirty when he wrote that ; he had already decided to be old before his time .
12 We want Apex as Kevin has already said to be a real section , not where everyone gets pushed because the name of their branch or there 's nowhere else to put them .
13 Tacoma 's needle-exchange programmes are already thought to be showing results .
14 At the moment , Asahi Shinwa is officially only affiliated to AA International , but there are no obvious barriers to an eventual merger and the two firms are already thought to be holding discussions .
15 Whereas Kazakhstan was already thought to be a springboard for additional territorial acquisitions , Siberia , as yet , was not .
16 As part of a plea bargain arrangement with the federal authorities in April 1990 , Milken had already agreed to be debarred from the securities industry and to pay $200,000,000 in fines and $400,000,000 in restitution .
17 erm , and Martin and Den had already volunteered to be in it ,
18 The armed forces were already scheduled to be cut to 370,000 as a consequence of the negotiations with the former Soviet Union concerning withdrawal of its troops from Germany .
19 But then she was planning to go on the stage and was already reputed to be collecting points for the Equity card .
20 Mr Kohl 's glossy coating of the bitter pill of economic union undoubtedly won him votes , but the coating has already proved to be thin .
21 ( If it appears to be too gross and simple to the library and information professional , I can assure you that it has already proved to be too complex for many busy executives to take the time to grasp ! )
22 The trust has already proved to be a good performer .
23 Huge sums will soon have to be spent to relieve road congestion ; persuading a proportion of the public to travel by a convenient alternative has already proved to be cheaper than building more roads in many areas .
24 Those arrangements have already proved to be a useful interim measure — but they are only that , pending the introduction of the Bill , which provides for a much more comprehensive scheme .
25 The 1983/4 Time Budget Survey — the first national time use survey to be sponsored by the ESRC — has already proved to be a rich source of information and has yielded fruitful insights in a wide variety of areas , ranging from the division of labour in the home to the activities of unemployed and elderly people .
26 The disaster is already set to be the world 's worst for ground casualties inflicted by a crashing aircraft .
27 It is reasonable to assume that the carer 's preference provides some part of the causal explanation ; but it is also likely that the carers ’ preferences were influenced by the severity of the sufferer 's condition , and by whether long-term institutional care was expected , already planned , or already known to be unlikely .
28 The two women closest in the world to Charles were already known to be the Queen and Camilla , whom Charles had readily confirmed was a trusted friend .
29 A large part of the centre 's work will be based on exploring the background of families already known to be at high risk of inheriting those diseases .
30 However sources say that all these talks , which do n't appear to have progressed much beyond soliciting proposals from some , have come to nothing and that Sun is now resolved on developing its own terminal , an activity already believed to be underway , perhaps at its East Coast facility , long a champion of such a product .
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