Example sentences of "already [vb pp] that it " in BNC.

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1 Probably you 'd already gathered that it is n't the first time he 's played similar tricks , and that he 's a law to himself , and comes and goes as he pleases .
2 By section 12(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1938 , a mark will be refused registration if it is deceptive ; that is , if it is identical to or so similar to another mark already registered that it is likely to lead to confusion .
3 We have already seen that it is common to feel tired about lunchtime ( the ‘ post-lunch dip ’ ) ; this is about 12 hours after retiring and so is another example of an ultradian rhythm with a period less than 24 hours .
4 We have already seen that it rejects any notion that God is changed .
5 We have already seen that it is through the uniting Spirit that Jew and Gentile alike have access to the Father ( Eph. 2:18 ) .
6 Nevertheless , we have already seen that it is possible to see some total societies as externalizations of paranoia ; not merely as collective projections ( which may also be present ) , but as realizations of paranoid processes within the architecture of the state .
7 We have already seen that it leaves unexplained one prominent feature of judicial practice — the attitude judges take toward statutes and precedents in hard cases — except on the awkward hypothesis that this practice is designed to deceive the public , in which case the public has not consented to it .
8 Dave Morris , the Ramblers ' Scottish officer , said the Government had already accepted that it needed to look to Europe for future ideas for the countryside .
9 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
10 The two-year moratorium is not binding , and Britain , which is responsible for 90 per cent of all radioactive waste dumped at sea , has already said that it will not comply with the ban .
11 We have already said that it can range from complete removal of the child to another room to simply turning one 's face away from the child while silently ignoring it .
12 The academy has already said that it will consider the proposition only if the government provides continuing support to operate and maintain the facility , which the report estimates would require DF17 million ( US$4 million ) a year .
13 The American-Dutch-British satellite has already shown that it will fulfil its task of locating infrared sources , for follow-up by conventional infrared telescopes and by future infrared observatories in space .
14 With its high fructose corn syrup ( HFCS ) sweetener , Staley had already shown that it could develop products capable of transforming whole sectors of the food industry .
15 It is anticipated that this claim will be invoked only rarely — Germany and the United Kingdom have already requested that it be used in relation to the Varta/Bosch and the Alcatel/AEG Kabel cases ( Germany ) and to the Steetley/Tarmac case ( UK ) .
16 An African Curriculum Organisation was set up in 1976 and has already proved that it has an important part to play in this process .
17 The League had already declared that it would boycott the investiture and , when he stood up to speak , a hundred or so extremists began shouting and jeering , and dozens had to be dragged off by the police before he could be heard .
18 There is substantial evidence in the literature already cited that it has been the critical area of failure in Britain .
19 We have already observed that it is more difficult to speechread unless there is enough space between you and the speaker — eyes can not possibly focus on the whole face if it is only six inches away .
20 Caradon also refused to comment , but has already announced that it was involved in talks which could lead to a bid .
21 Chrysler has already announced that it is teaming up with Renault of France to build a $400m to $500m plant in Europe to produce the JJ - a four-wheel drive Jeep-type vehicle .
22 The DUP has already announced that it will boycott the four-man group when it arrives it Belfast .
23 This system will be used in deciding on future allocations of the pool and the DES has already indicated that it would expect NAB to give advice about appropriate courses and rationalization , particularly concerning those which are expensive , those which are so specialist in nature that control of student numbers is required , and those where both university and public sector provision might be unnecessary or where rationalization is desirable for other reasons .
24 Discussions are at an advanced stage with a number of nationally-known retailers , and one retail DIY outlet has already confirmed that it will be renting a unit .
25 The Labour leadership has already stated that it will take advantage of instalment payments still outstanding from the sale of shares in British Telecom and the Scottish electricity companies .
26 However , Channel Ten has already stated that it will be keen for more night games which would be shown live during prime-time viewing .
27 But the Inland Revenue has already warned that it will investigate any changes of status to ensure that they are genuine .
28 Khan persisted : ‘ We 've already established that it 's 65 times sweeter than sugar . ’
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