Example sentences of "perhaps it might [be] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know — perhaps it might be you .
2 Sam found himself wondering if perhaps it might be best to save some of the money instead of going mad .
3 Perhaps it might be disputed whether , after living in the USA for nearly half a century , Miss McPartland is still British .
4 Perhaps it might be claimed that the major important variables in measuring population growth rates and their causes are technically easier than those measuring soil erosion rates and their causes .
5 Just as we have found it convenient to think of genes as active agents , working purposefully for their own survival , perhaps it might be convenient to think of memes in the same way .
6 Erm perhaps it might be an idea
7 Perhaps it might be Charlie Chaplin , a bit of a comic one or or summat like that and er
8 And so er we 're expecting perhaps it might be a little bit lively .
9 Though perhaps it might be as well to remove the smuts from your face . ’
10 ‘ It — er — depends how — um — busy Barney is , ’ she made up as she went along , and with relief was let off the hook a little while her mother commented on how hard Barney worked , and how , if he could n't take his holiday quite as early as he 'd planned , that perhaps it might be a good idea for Cara to stay touring with her , and maybe take a plane to America from Czechoslovakia .
11 So we get involved quite a lot in looking at teaching in various parts of the university where people want us to , very often involving the students as well as the other teachers in looking at a particular course and seeing if there are ways in which perhaps it might be taught differently or in a way that worked better .
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