Example sentences of "perhaps i [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I heard a sound or saw his shadow moving , I do n't know .
2 I wo n't murder you tonight , unless perhaps I set the house on fire .
3 Perhaps I take a special pleasure in Cold Comfort Farm from the fact that I was myself brought up in a rural setting , surrounded by wild-eyed manic depressives of the Starkadder school , while I was reading the works of D.H.Lawrence and F.R.Leavis , whose loam-laden versions of country life did n't quite chime with mine .
4 But it was too late , or perhaps I forced the confession out of myself , determined once and for all to rid myself of the burden of this secret .
5 or perhaps I make a rissole sometimes , but not put any onion
6 Perhaps I made a miscalculation .
7 Perhaps I made a mistake .
8 Or perhaps I made a mistake : you can see which I 'd rather believe .
9 And perhaps I know a short-cut or two to Frizingley Hall , which ought not to surprise you
10 As I said , perhaps I know the answers already .
11 Perhaps I know the face but
12 A Buckinghamshire village boy ‘ liked best to go and stay ’ with a farming grandmother , finding a ‘ special quiet ’ and ‘ peace ’ about her ; while a Yorkshire weaver 's son who went to stay with his grandmother for several weeks ‘ during family sickness ’ always kept the bond they made then — ‘ religious , yet loving , although seemingly cold , perhaps I had a special bit of her love , for she corrected me with thrashing me . ’
13 ‘ Well , perhaps I had a bland time , ’ she retorted ineptly .
14 Perhaps I had the wrong expectations .
15 Perhaps I had the same look once , though I 've lost it now .
16 Hard to explain the conflict in our acquaintance , but perhaps I had an instinctive feeling that she , in fact , wanted me to go to bed with her , and she knew I would n't — because if I did make love to her , it would be a victory for her and a defeat for me .
17 ‘ Or perhaps I mean a hurricane .
18 I 'll , I 'll be going to the village hall but I might have to go back to the Cross Keys , that 's why I put Roger , perhaps I put the wrong thing on you see ?
19 Perhaps I mock the world in general , if I mock at all .
20 Or perhaps I shoved the contents of your safe inside my robe when I saw you at the door .
21 Perhaps I needed a break from the England side .
22 Perhaps I spurned the woman somehow .
23 I turned straightaway to No. 13 of Kinderszenen ( ‘ The poet speaks ’ ) to see if perhaps I missed the point .
24 I think I went down to most people to say they ca n't , but when you point out something to them , they say yes I can see that , look there 's this as well and I think culturally er were led to believe if you do n't succeed in it , erm but in actual fact I think that you all do , but perhaps I think the books do , either assess it and give it value or , or still allow it to happen
25 ‘ Then perhaps I attract the wrong sort , ’ he hissed .
26 I think perhaps I have a chill . ’
27 Perhaps I have a different point of view from the older generation . "
28 He said , ‘ Perhaps I have a salvation too , ’ and his voice was so low and his look so piercing that she felt a sudden clutch of fear , just as she had in the studio .
29 God knows , perhaps I have a sixth sense , but the hair on the nape of my neck prickled with fear .
30 Perhaps I have a guardian angel , ’ mused the stinker .
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