Example sentences of "thing that [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 One thing that particularly attracted her to seeking his assistance now was that he , more than any of the other lily-skinned boys she 'd seduced , had been terrified of his family discovering his stealthy dalliance with the poisoner 's wife .
2 Because certainly the thing that particularly struck me about these design and technology A levels which so often seem to be sort of er erm a contrived project , not not a real one .
3 Curiously , Larry Turman told Arthur Hiller that the thing that finally swayed them towards Dustin was his 45-second spot in The Tiger Makes Out .
4 Strangely enough it was a tiny thing that suddenly gave her confidence again — her hair .
5 ‘ Not the usual kind of student 's flat , ’ muttered the Marshal , surprised to find his feet walking on fitted carpet , a thing that only happened to him in the lobbies of hotels he was checking on .
6 Poland was not even in the same shape or place as it had been , and virtually the only thing that now united the Poles of the different partition experiences , religious beliefs and political outlooks was a new found sense of Polish national feeling .
7 The thing that really motivated me was seeing the 1968 Olympics ; I saw Thommie Smith and thought , ‘ God , that 's it ! ’
8 The only thing that really happened was that my mum got a divorce in 1972 on the grounds that he had sexually assaulted me and there was mental cruelty to her .
9 I think the thing that really upset him was seeing Werewolf slide across the BMW 's bonnet to get to the driver 's door .
10 And another thing that sometimes had to be done was writing out off er the they did n't put er notices in shop windows or anything .
11 One thing that quickly became apparent in the aftermath of the Bank Holiday affair was that the Hooligans all looked alike .
12 The family wanted a three inch carving of the bear on the headstone , to symbolise the only thing that ever belonged to tragic Sophie , but the church has said no .
13 The only thing that ever seemed to hit was letting you think she was my lover . ’
14 For all the pay rises in the world , the finest thing that ever came out of the pit was a bath .
15 The blackest thing that ever wore a fleece .
16 My life would have been much poorer without Brownsea Island , and I always think that the National Trust was the best thing that ever happened to me .
17 It 's the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me ! ) .
18 She did n't try overhard , she just wanted to let me know I was secure with her , that the break-up of my parents ' marriage was n't the worst thing that ever happened , and that she had enough love to cover us all .
19 It was the best thing that ever happened to me , really , to be asked by my hero .
20 But this week 's award goes to MR CLIFF RICHARD , for his assertion that , ‘ I could do a nude video and it would be the biggest thing that ever happened in Britain . ’
21 He now has four children , and insists that having kids early ‘ was the greatest thing that ever happened to me .
22 Kathy : Scott is the best thing that ever happened to us .
23 The most moving thing that ever happened to them , they say — but secretly I think it is all to do with stealing thunder from the women .
24 Like all old miners , he remembered the coming of the pit baths , they were the best thing that ever happened , he said .
25 And it was a wicked cowardice thing that ever happened
26 I 'm the biggest thing that ever happened in sports .
27 Loving you was the best thing that ever happened to me : I could never go with anyone else .
28 I know it 's the best thing that ever happened to me .
29 I 've spent thirty years as a Company Shock Trooper , and IMC 's the best thing that ever happened to me .
30 ‘ Cancer best thing that ever happened to me ’
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