Example sentences of "thing that [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The only thing that 'll touch it is an arc-welder — and it 's pretty conductive stuff too .
2 I am short-sighted , and I 'm sure that when war breaks out , the first thing that 'll happen is that my glasses will break .
3 As far as council support goes , we 've been granted the use of both the station centre itself , so that we can have a retail outlet for furniture , bric-a-brac , books , the kind of thing that might go to landfill , but which people might very well want to use .
4 essentially we work with the same material , the only thing that might change is the part where I slide withg my hands down a rope .
5 The other thing that might contribute to er er improving matters would be if the compensation arrangements er were such that the er fund managers were involved in having to provide some of the compensa compensation if there were any to be paid , then there 's obviously a very good incentive for them to police themselves more thoroughly .
6 This is the one thing that might make me lose my temper .
7 ‘ The only thing that might make them move after three years here is Italy .
8 ‘ One thing that might interest you , last year our manager jumped from that bridge and broke his neck … ’
9 There was one thing that might save the mare , and that was only a 10,000 to I chance .
10 As you say it 's the sort of thing that might appeal to people because then they can go and look at their poster .
11 So perhaps the sort of thing that might happen is what we found wholly by chance , in the personal interviews which we conducted with people who had been the subject of judgement summonses ( Appendix II , section 5 ) .
12 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
13 He did n't want to get on worse terms with his mother , from whom he hoped to get a loan for his holiday in Greece , nor did he want the kind of thing that might have happened , his mother phoning hospitals or getting the police because they could have had an accident in Goblander .
14 Er a specific on only thing that might have been I think was really , erm the erm the concern that some people expect erm are for rural areas , whether there was going t there were going to be con whether things were going to be spread thinner on the ground in rural areas , particularly sort of transport costs , and of course erm there 's one , but nevertheless , the concern that that would be underlying that and the erm the erm the the rural community
15 Just one more thing that may have been mentioned yesterday when Jess was going through the legal and underwriting session , this applies to both Covermaster and living assurance .
16 Well , that sounds as if it 's the sort of thing that ought to happen .
17 Of course , there may be those who would argue that the entrenchment of the middle ground in power would be a good thing that would lead to moderate government and stable policies , but let them not argue that it would also be fair or would give the majority of people what they wanted of government .
18 The only thing that would change them , he commented savagely , was when he became someone who earned a thousand guilder a year .
19 The only thing that would change would be the total at the top .
20 ‘ It 's not the kind of thing that would influence you , of course , ’ says Caroline , ‘ but the prospects would be quite good . ’
21 Isabel had scarcely felt the fiery rush of blood to her cheeks , the quick involuntary swelling of her flesh , before fitzAlan wrenched his hand away , transferring the reins from the other as if that was the only thing that would prevent him from touching her again .
22 By chance ( chance again ! ) she had chosen the one thing that would reach , spinning down through all that froth of excited sentiment , right down to the very core of Sarah 's being : the memory of Tom .
23 When I ask the fat ladies at the drop-in centre what is the one thing that would do most to improve the estate they say ‘ get rid of the kids ’ and they are only half joking .
24 Now it seemed like the only thing that would make Christmas tolerable .
25 But if I had one drink of any description that 's the one thing that would make me nervous because I 'd be afraid that I 'd forget this or forget the other , so we just do n't have them at all you know .
26 This means that the light , instead of being granted an unrestricted passage to the photocells , has to pass through a forest of connecting wires , pre-sumably suffering at least some attenuation and distortion ( actually probably not much but , still , it is the principle of the thing that would offend any tidy-minded engineer ! ) .
27 She could see that he was searching for the right words , the very thing that would describe what he had felt , what he had experienced at that moment .
28 The 1986 Programme , similarly , contained no reference to the historic goal of the withering away of the state ( it had long been predicted that the only thing that would wither away was the idea that the state should wither away ) ; its main emphasis was upon practical and short-term objectives , and it struck a disciplinarian rather than utopian note in its references to careerism , nepotism and profiteering .
29 Then would having a good head for numbers be the sort of thing that would individuate them at the level of their soul ?
30 Okay so that 's that 's that 's a thing that would help .
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