Example sentences of "thing was [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The odd thing was that Carol felt quite safe on it .
2 The funny thing was that Lizzy seemed glad to be going .
3 Mr Macdonald said the most significant thing was that Brown had gone back to his car nearby and returned to the fight armed with the knife which had a 12in blade .
4 The good thing was that Vic kept running so we did n't miss any of it .
5 The perplexing thing was that Bella , whom he had now nerved himself to telephone every other evening with news of Sam , seemed not to mind the untenable situation particularly and had taken up the flute .
6 Quite apart from any utility or negative political advantage that came out of popular culture , the important thing was that establishment culture was at least in touch with the masses .
7 The funny thing was that Uncle George had made no remark about the length of time she 'd been away .
8 The really astonishing thing was that Walter Schellenberg did n't consider himself a Nazi , looked on the Third Reich as a sorry charade , its main protagonists actors of a very low order indeed .
9 Wickham 's initial feeling was that if it were true the only surprising thing was that Barron had not flown away sooner .
10 And the nice thing was that people used to join us .
11 The trouble was that neither of them was entirely certain he was right , and the funny thing was that people who were n't entirety certain they were right always argued much louder than other people , as if the main person they were trying to convince was themselves .
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