Example sentences of "having live in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't know the east coast well , and having to live in London at least gave me a chance to explore its fascinating creeks and swatchways , and those turbulent , shallow waters of the North Sea that have nurtured some of the finest of English seamen .
2 Having lived in Deptford all his life , Albie knew every jabber , snorter , speed-freak and pot-head in sixteen square miles .
3 Having lived in Australia for some years and witnessed forest fires , leaping from tree to tree and running along the thin covering of bush and grass , I could enter imaginatively into the prophet 's experience .
4 Having lived in Walton for 29 years she has witnessed how much of the cliff has already been lost to the sea .
5 Both are very well acquainted with the area , but David is particularly knowledgeable , having lived in Buxton all his life .
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