Example sentences of "taken it [prep] granted " in BNC.

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1 Economists have taken it for granted that to get round it , creditors will in practice need to get most of the benefit from debt relief .
2 He had taken it for granted that his verbose and glib explanation of the facts would convince the jury of his innocence .
3 I 'd rather taken it for granted that she 'd come to London with me .
4 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
5 She had taken it for granted that if Isobel accompanied Hank to the ball , it would be a kind of aunt and nephew relationship , but now she wondered .
6 All his life , he had taken it for granted that they loved each other to the exclusion of anyone else .
7 Until the 1640s the colonies had taken it for granted that they would trade only with England , partly because Charles 's government gave orders that they should , partly because the hostile Spanish colonies offered them no real alternative .
8 " Why — Martha , girl — I 've always taken it for granted that you and me would — would - "
9 Ruth instinctively clasped Fand 's hand again ; she 'd taken it for granted the half-mortals would be hostile to one of Fincara 's Women .
10 So far we have taken it for granted that the distinction between ambiguity and generality is intuitively obvious .
11 ‘ As a matter of fact , I had taken it for granted that you would n't want a boring old fart like me trailing after you round Siena . ’
12 In fact , the calculation above hides a significant assumption : We have taken it for granted that there are precisely 3 offspring .
13 And they have happened as I have wanted , and I have taken it for granted that they have because I know where I 'm going .
14 He had taken it for granted that the other reasons did n't need to be spelled out .
15 I should have taken it for granted there was something the matter . ’
16 Because she had been fond of Simon in a sisterly way — as a much older sister — she had always taken it for granted that the affection he had shown her in return had been brotherly , with maybe a spot of heroine worship thrown in .
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