Example sentences of "made it [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 The Nazi threat to socialism and the working-class movement — whether in Germany , the Soviet Union , or the Western democracies — made it increasingly difficult to maintain an attitude of equal hostility to all imperialist powers .
2 By the 1960s enthusiasm for such industrial-type resettlement units was waning , and the rising unemployment of the late 1960S and 1970s made it increasingly difficult for people with chronic mental disorder to find work on the open job market .
3 The success of the tour made it less difficult to tell herself that this was what she wanted , but it did n't stop those sudden down-swings when she was swept by a longing so total that it was like a haemorrhage of the soul .
4 Creggan followed suit and made it as difficult as possible for the Men to handle him .
5 It used to be important because it made it more difficult to score with groin kicks , and it led to narrow stances with the leading foot turned inwards .
6 Establishing an overt research role was therefore always going to be a task of sisyphean labour , but the sensitivity of the topic and location made it more difficult than is usual in ethnographic research .
7 It was a bizarre kind of inconsistency , and that made it more difficult to make the decision to join Fleetwood Mac , because we thought there might be something going on here .
8 There is still a strong sense in Britain that even to discuss foreign policy is somehow unpatriotic or obscene , and this certainly made it more difficult for Labour to raise international questions .
9 What made it more difficult for the social workers in Orkney , she said , was the very small size of the department ; they had few colleagues with whom to share the stress .
10 Every minute she was in the house where she had spent most of her life , crowded as it was with memories of her parents and her grandfather , made it more difficult to bear up .
11 The steep hillsides made it more difficult to hide and transport cattle , and after the establishment of coffee plantations and gardens in the 1840s the crime must have become more difficult to carry out profitably .
12 The clash between Government and teaching unions certainly made it more difficult to extend the teacher 's role .
13 It also made it more difficult to obtain maintenance — and this emphasised the stigma of bastardy .
14 ‘ the simple facts which the court has to find are whether the defendant 's conduct in fact prevented the police from carrying out their duty , or made it more difficult for them to do so , and whether the defendant intended that conduct to prevent the police from carrying out their duty or to make it more difficult to do so . ’
15 The growth in Europe 's population and the increased number of fortified towns to be found on every frontier , wrote a pamphleteer at the end of the seventeenth century , made it more difficult than ever before to conquer great areas of territory .
16 The complexity , technology and chemical make-up of goods made it more difficult for people to understand what they were buying and to make a judgment at the time of purchase .
17 They also made it more difficult for temporary residents or visitors to become permanent residents .
18 Implicit within the ruling was the concept that once an abortion restriction had been upheld in one state , other states could implement it , an interpretation which effectively made it more difficult to challenge the imposition by individual states of restrictions as long as they were within the guidelines established by the Court 's ruling in June 1992 on Roe v. Wade [ see p. 38954 ] .
19 If young attachés were unpaid this made it more difficult to treat them as cogs in a bureaucratic machine .
20 Les Steel had a convincing win over Dierdre Sanders but Roy Bennett made it more difficult , beating Jim Power by a single imp .
21 In fact , together with several colleagues , I was endeavouring to set up an informal meeting with ministers to try and discuss this matter er when the haemophiliac 's representative decided to go to law for their own good reasons , because that made it more difficult for any negotiations to take place .
22 The fixing of the amounts of compensation made it very difficult for the investors to refuse and it was aimed at defending the DTI from outright criticism as well as preventing public uproar , he said .
23 While members were asked not to behave in a representative manner , the source of their nomination ( councils , fellow doctors , nurses and trade unionists ) made it very difficult for them not to consider ramifications on their constituencies .
24 In contrast to the other states though , Germany was still a series of small states and principalities , and this made it very difficult to finance and develop the railway network .
25 His sentiments were shared by West Brom boss Ardiles , who said : ‘ They made it very difficult for us and Martin did a very good job in planning the game the way he did .
26 West Brom boss Ossie Ardiles added : ‘ Wycombe raised their game and made it very difficult for us . ’
27 But later she developed an allergy to feathers , and that made it very difficult for her when I wanted to keep birds in the house !
28 I have already said that anathema had been pronounced over the Avant-garde from the beginning of the Thirties , and that made it very difficult for the avant-garde artists themselves , as well as for their families .
29 In the towns , rapid urban growth ( table 2.1 ) made it very difficult to build houses fast enough .
30 Ironically the price of sterling went up so high that it made it very difficult for us to sell our other manufactured goods and many people are now of the belief that because of the North Sea oil price rises , this had an adverse affect on our economy , making it more difficult for us to sell manufacturing goods because the pound was very strong against other currencies .
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