Example sentences of "whether the child [be] " in BNC.

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1 The 1989 Children Act replaces previous grounds for intervention by asking whether the child is receiving that care which ‘ it would be reasonable to expect a parent to give to him ’ ( S. 31(2) ( b ) ) .
2 The child 's reaction changes according to whether or not the stranger appears abruptly through a doorway while the mother is out of the room , or whether mother and child are introduced to the stranger together ; whether the child is approached quickly , unsmilingly and is physically picked up , or whether the stranger hovers deferentially , smiling and offering a toy .
3 A qualitative analysis of the various subtests can be used to identify specific difficulties with grammar and as an indication of whether the child is progressing in the same way as most normal children , or whether there are signs of deviant patterns .
4 Cars also demonstrate whether imaginative play can develop or whether the child is showing repetitive and uncreative play pushing the car backwards and forwards on the same spot .
5 If a parent is irritable and unhappy , whether the child is behaving or misbehaving , emotional control methods are ineffective .
6 Similarly when children have been ill , parental expectations of their behaviour changes , and sometimes it is difficult to re-establish previous patterns of sleep and feeding when a parent is unsure whether the child is fully recovered .
7 Since there seems to be some doubt about the matter , it should be made clear that the High Court 's inherent jurisdiction in relation to children — the parens patriae jurisdiction — is equally exercisable whether the child is or is not a ward of court : see In re M. and N. ( Minors ) ( Wardship : Publication of Information ) [ 1990 ] Fam. 211 , 223G .
8 I would only add that in a situation in which it is necessary to consider operating the machinery of the Convention , some psychological harm to the child is inherent , whether the child is or is not returned .
9 To attend all directions appointments and hearings , unless excused , and to advise the court orally or in writing : ( i ) whether the child is of sufficient understanding for any purpose including refusal to submit to medical or psychiatric examination or other assessment ; ( ii ) what the child 's wishes are in relation to any matter relevant to the proceedings including his own attendance at court ; ( iii ) which is the appropriate forum for the proceedings ; ( iv ) what is the appropriate timing of the proceedings ; ( v ) what options are available to the court , the suitability of each and what order should be made .
10 The order must specify the period of treatment and whether the child is to be an in-patient or out-patient .
11 Not surprisingly , the access granted can often depend on whether the child is a girl or boy .
12 If the parent feels they know a system that they have heard or read is successful , and if they try it out on the child and the child obviously enjoys it , if it becomes part of a game , then I ca n't see any harm in it , but I think the parent has to be scrupulously honest as to whether the child is enjoying it .
13 If the parent feels they know a system that they have heard or read is successful , and if they try it out on the child and the child obviously enjoys it , if it becomes part of a game , then I ca n't see any harm in it , but I think the parent has to be scrupulously honest as to whether the child is enjoying it .
14 Wahler and Dumas ( 1986 ) found that ‘ insular ’ mothers were more angry and irritable than non-insular mothers towards their children , whether the child was being naughty or good .
15 These standards give the distribution of birth weight in a standard population taking into account the length of gestation , sex , whether the child was firstborn , and maternal height .
16 It seems unlikely that in interpreting ( 28 ) the reader postulates any exact physical distance between the mother and the baby at the point before the mother picks the child up , or that he bothers to wonder whether the mother picks the child up after it has finished crying ( and if so how long after , in terms of minutes or seconds ) or whether the child was still crying when the mother picked it up .
17 I do n't know whether the child was happy with Mrs Reed , but she stayed there ten years , until she went to Lowood school , where you were yourself .
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