Example sentences of "example [prep] [det] type " in BNC.

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1 I also like simple lines if done with feel and melody — McCartney being a prime example of that type of player — although the context is equally important and McCartney 's style was exactly right for The Beatles . ’
2 The best example of that type of person is the liberal who professes to be anti-war and anti-violence and then goes to the boxing matches or watches the football game and screams his head off .
3 And that 's a good example of both types there .
4 A typical example of this type of training is explosive press-ups .
5 An urban example of this type of school , St Peter 's at Vauxhall , South London , is also described in this chapter .
6 Teewurst is another German example of this type of sausage and is usually sold in small packs .
7 An outstanding example of this type of narrative is Vargas Llosa 's Conversation in the Cathedral , which pivots around a four-hour conversation between two characters , the whole novel being made up of dialogue and narrative units generated in waves by the central conversation , as the two men 's review of their past lives sparks off inner thoughts and recollections and conjures up other conversations and dramatized episodes .
8 The general appearance of the cars owed something to the American inter-urban , almost the only example of this type in Britain .
9 The most revealing example of this type , however , is supplied by Papinian .
10 An example of this type of arrangement is given in the panel .
11 An example of this type in lead , dated 1648 , rests on the children 's shelf in the De La Warr vault , but of greater interest are three wooden versions .
12 A prime example of this type of system is run by Freight Computer Systems , part of the National Freight Consortium , Europe 's largest transport and distribution company .
13 The only intact example of this type of helmeted figure , bidding from German museums pushed the final figure to £600,000 ( $960,000 , est. £50,000–80,000 ) , sold to a private collector .
14 The prime example of this type of system is Paget-Gorman Sign System ( PGSS ) which derives from a developed set of 21 hand-postures and 37 basic signs .
15 Probably the best example of this type of approach to the study of the mass media is the Langs ' classic study of MacArthur Day in Chicago in 1952 .
16 Another example of this type of research was reported by Haney , Banks , and Zimbardo ( 1973 ) .
17 A later ( later in terms of the Quarto numbering , that is ) example of this type of sonnet , with its disgusted ‘ withdrawal of the Poet ’ gesture , is 95 : The exclamatory style , the notably affectionate gestures , the epithets of praise ( ‘ sweet and lovely ’ , ‘ sweets ’ , ‘ beauty 's veil ’ in line 11 ) almost convince us that the Friend 's personal attractiveness can somehow transmute evil to good , a form of paradoxical hyperbole that Shakespeare gives to Lepidus , attempting to excuse Antony 's faults to Caesar : ‘ His faults in him seem as the spots of heaven , /More fiery by night 's blackness ’ ( Antony and Cleopatra , I.iv.13f ) .
18 A typical example of this type of agreement is when an airport hotel will hold a set number of rooms for the airline pilots and stewards/stewardesses who have stop-overs between flights .
19 Consumer Protection Rules : an example of this type of regulation is the Securities and Investments Board 's ( SIB ) compensation scheme .
20 Disclosure requirements are a key example of this type of regulation .
21 However , another striking example of this type of mismatch arose when a student teacher CDL used a very simple program that asked children to estimate angles : it was simple to run and at the time had no documentation .
22 [ Ch 14 ] It is with a more elaborate example of this type of fanciful similitude that the impersonal " Dickens " introduces Mrs Rouncewell : She is a fine old lady , handsome , stately , wonderfully neat , and has such a back , and such a stomacher that if her stays should turn out when she dies to have been a broad old-fashioned family fire-grate , nobody who knows her would have cause to be surprised .
23 One example of this type of pricing structure is the system of railcards in the UK , whereby certain groups can buy the right to relatively cheap tickets . "
24 St Albans is a good example of this type , if we think away the large block of building that lies between the present market place and the street called Chequer Street that lies behind .
25 An example of this type of development has been analysed by Ambrose ( 1974 ) in Ringmer , Sussex .
26 In Medical Nemesis , a savage attack on the medical profession , Ivan Illich provides an example of this type of criticism .
27 Following a shot of his diminishing body in black silhouette as it falls on the background roof ( the viewpoint is vertical from above ) , we actually see the other half of the matte itself repeat the action as his body falls , a diminishing form on a blank background — possibly a unique example of this type of effect and audacious even for Hitchcock .
28 A classic example of this type of externality arises when cooperation between firms in one line of activity ( say , in R&D ) affects their willingness and ability to cooperate in other lines of activity ( say , in pricing ) .
29 I have seen one example of this type of key that had an iron shank of over 9cms length .
30 An excellent example of this type is to be found at the entrance to Poole Harbour ( Fig. 8.30 ) .
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