Example sentences of "long line [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was the latest in a long line of seasoned golfers to contract the yips and as a direct result slumped to 51st place on the Order of Merit .
2 This is obviously not new , and is in part an expansion of the teaching of a long line of papal encyclicals on social justice beginning with Leo XIII 's Rerum Novarum and extending up to Pope John 's Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris , but there is no possible doubt that the Council , following in this the footsteps of Pope John , gave both a wider range and a new urgency to concerns of this kind as properly constitutive of a very large part of Christian living .
3 Cover Girl Poker ) or should that be poke her ? ) is the latest in a long line of attempted trouser-arousers to appear on the C64 .
4 He may with good reason be regarded as the first of that long line of professional civil servants who did more than any others to make and destroy the medieval Church : they were professional administrators , equipped to forward the interests of government not by main force but by negotiation amidst the intricate issues of law and theology ; men of international standing , retaining the respect of their opponents , and not too hatefully or too personally involved in the cause which they were required to maintain .
5 Each individual cuckoo nestling is descended from a long line of ancestral cuckoo nestlings , every single one of whom must have succeeded in manipulating its foster-parent .
6 They behaved like brave soldiers because they had inherited the genes of a long line of ancestral queens whose lives , and whose genes , had been saved by soldiers as brave as themselves .
7 A group of chandlers stood next to a long line of gutted pigs , arguing with their owner about the price of the fat which they would buy to make tallow candles .
8 In an atmosphere of such buoyancy the dealers are obliged to cut margins and try to survive competition from the opportunists for whom the fax boom is simply the latest in a long line of nice little short-term earners , such as double-glazing and car phones .
9 The Dzhungar state , the last in a long line of typical steppe nomad conglomerates descended from Genghis Khan 's empire , also claimed the more southerly zone where lay the headwaters of the Ob-Irtysh river system .
10 And then er , there 's a long line of changing jobs and eventually I came to Dudley .
11 The Escale , the latest in a long line of successful and stylish models from Prout Catamarans , incorporates the latest thinking in hull , keel and rig designs .
12 Designed by Sydney Camm , the Hunter was one of a long line of successful fighting aircraft from the Hawker stable .
13 The TR6 was launched in 1969 as the latest in a long line of successful Triumph sportscars .
14 The TR6 was launched in 1969 as the latest in a long line of successful Triumph sportscars .
15 In vitro fertilisation is only the first of a long line of reproductive technologies which may be developed in the future .
16 Latest in a long line of internal frame alpine packs from Lowe , the Alpamayo has an easy-to-use stepless and lockable Wedge Adjustment back systems which makes achieving a good fit simple .
17 My parents were from a long line of good people with a strong sense of duty , living at peace with their neighbours , quick to be helpful when it was in their power , understandably a little feudal in their outlook , with a cautious eye on the squire for whom they worked , liking a glass of beer or homemade parsnip wine , and not above a bit of rabbit poaching .
18 Area technical maintenance manager Pete Wootton , 32 , revealed that the wage drop was just the latest generous gesture in a long line of good turns .
19 She could n't bear that — could n't stand to become just another in a long line of faceless women whose names he probably could n't even remember .
20 Nicholas was only one in a long line of young Scots including the 16 year old Spurs player Graeme Souness who found London to be a lively but ultimately lonely city .
21 PAUL Rideout goes into a Sky TV shoot-out with Graeme Sharp at Boundary Park tomorrow , anxious to prove he can be the latest in a long line of great Everton centre-forwards .
22 With hindsight , of course , it is now possible to question the glamorizing of drug-taking in such films as Easy Rider , Psych-Out and The Trip and others ; the in-built health warnings were seldom noticed and there was a certain drugs bandwagon rolling , anyway , largely created in the pop industry where drug usage was not only referred to , even poetically eulogized in song , but physically demonstrated by some of its more tragic exponents like Brian Jones , Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin , to name but three in a long line of fallen idols and heroes .
23 Clint has just met one of The Boys , the latest in a long line of piss-poor pre-pubescent Motown acts that the company hopes will be the new Jacksons .
24 Although , as Marc Raeff has pointed out , it was their methods rather than their aims which were at fault , it was nevertheless the inefficient , inhumane and corrupt administration of Siberia under Pestel and Treskin , last of a long line of government-appointed regional tyrants , that was to be tackled with such determination by Alexander 's brilliant bureaucrat and disgraced official , Mikhail Speranskii ( 1722–1839 ) .
25 The name Venturous was a break from the long line of traditional names for Cutters as it had never previously been used .
26 Either way , it seemed to be the latest in a long line of crass decisions .
27 Unfortunately it is too far south to be properly seen from Britain or the northern United States , but when high up it is truly impressive , and it is easy to conjure up the picture of a scorpion from the long line of bright stars , with the ‘ head ’ and the ‘ sting ’ .
28 Barbara Todd , executive secretary to a long line of senior managers , retired on 3 July 1992 .
29 Authority — ‘ that egg of misery and oppression ’ as the doctor has it — is the norm in the long line of historical adventures drawing for material on the extensively recorded history of the navy in the Napoleonic Wars ; but the outstanding writers in the genre look round widely from this stance .
30 Flakey Dove is the grandaughter the latest in a long line of local champions
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