Example sentences of "man [prep] [art] job " in BNC.

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1 Education , except for the sons of lords , was once directed at fitting a man for a job and , cynics would add , unfitting him for life .
2 He had left in 1979 , when he felt he was no longer the right man for the job , and the Honourable Edward Adeane had replaced him .
3 Edward Adeane was not the man for the job .
4 Bob Ashby , the chairman , said that Bettinson 's contract had expired ‘ and we wanted the best man for the job … and that is Maurice .
5 Lindsay , who said that he had no idea he would be offered the job , pledged his support to Reilly , saying that he was ‘ firmly behind the decision to ask Malcolm to continue as he is obviously the best man for the job ’ .
6 Bob Ashby , the chairman , said that Bettinson 's contract had expired ‘ and we wanted the best man for the job … and that is Maurice .
7 Lindsay , who said that he had no idea he would be offered the job , pledged his support to Reilly , saying that he was ‘ firmly behind the decision to ask Malcolm to continue as he is obviously the best man for the job ’ .
8 The British people had just elected a Conservative Government , headed by Britain 's first ever woman Prime Minister , who had already earned the reputation of being ‘ the best man for the job ’ in the Conservative Party .
9 Well we 've got just the man for the job .
10 Election Comment : Not the right man for the job
11 They have now decided , however , that Jupp Heynckes , 46 , is the man for the job .
12 There could have been no better man for the job and Graveney , whose equable temperament has survived a good deal of adversity in recent years , managed to keep everyone content during some trying early days .
13 ‘ He was the right man for the job . ’
14 Ken Livingstone , of course , writes a column for the paper , and so gets its unstinting support : ‘ We 're right behind Ken Livingstone … we reckon he 's just the man for the job .
15 I am sure Mr Willmore will agree with me that the man for the job is Tottenham MP Bernie Grant .
16 I 've always said he 's the best man for the job .
17 Barry has always been the best man for the job and we 're going to continue our partnership . ’
18 He 's still the only man for the job . ’
19 Dr King believes it does in the sense that it needs change , and by offering that Clinton is the right man for the job .
20 I want to play for my country and believe I am the man for the job . ’
21 But he said : ‘ The fans may not think Ian 's the best man for the job but if they lay off him for a bit then he might get it right for them . ’
22 Best man for the job , says board 's letter of support
23 Then the commodore says , ‘ John the pilot is just the man for the job , ’ adding brightly , ‘ He 's not here so he ca n't refuse . ’
24 Two years ago he was clearly the right man for the job — now few would support that motion .
25 ‘ It 's not a question of whether I feel I 'm the best man for the job .
26 MAN FOR THE JOB GARRY Schofield played the game of his life when he led Britain to victory in the second Ashes Test in Melbourne .
27 And Grob 's just the man for the job
28 If so , having demonstrated such alarming traditionalism , do you really think that you are the man for the job , which requires open communication and awareness of current and future trends in British and World tennis ?
29 Former Northern Telecom Ltd chief and alumnus of Burroughs Corp , Unisys Corp and IBM Corp itself , Paul Stern is now firm favourite in the betting on the next chief executive of IBM after the Wall Street Journal disclosed that there are strong objections to him from some influential IBM executives — if he 's got those people against him , he must be the right man for the job .
30 And Allied Signal Corp chairman Lawrence Bossidy has initiated the UK ‘ manufacturing versus services ’ debate in the US , suggesting that for those that believe that IBM Corp should be making more , cheaper rather than shuttering factories all over the place , he might have been the right man for the job : US industry ‘ can not slash its way to prosperity , ’ he told the new Design & Manufacturing Institute of the Stevens Institute of Technology — adding that while design innovation is a US strength , ‘ we need to extend US technological excellence from the design laboratory to the manufacturing floor — American business needs to find ways to improve the speed with which we convert innovative design into high-quality , marketable product ; many of our factory floors are populated by high-school graduates or dropouts , with a few engineers serving as supervisors safely ensconced behind glass walls , ’ Bossidy said , where Japanese shop floors are staffed much more by graduate engineers who work directly with well-trained workers , to solve problems and improve manufacturing efficiency .
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