Example sentences of "also makes the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It also makes the unit awkward and heavy .
2 The size of the response also makes the survey the biggest regular business in Scotland .
3 ‘ The filmic device of a discarnate Belushi reviewing his life allows the dead performer ( and Hollywood collectively ) a right of reply ; unfortunately it also makes the film ludicrous . ’
4 ‘ The fact that you 've got ease of highlighting of particular points also makes the spreadsheet much more readable , ’ he adds .
5 Something vulnerable in her manner brings out an element of sadism in the way the long final act teases her endurance ; but it also makes the denouement extremely touching , and the part lies well for a voice that has managed Janacek 's Capture as well as Verdi 's Violetta .
6 Working without annealing increases the hardness but also makes the alloy brittle and ultimately liable to crack .
7 It also makes the operation easier . ’
8 The fracture repair is being tested first on the upper arm , which is difficult to encase in plaster and also makes the insertion of plates and screws hard because of the large amount of tissue , muscle and nerve material .
9 In 1988 what remained of Unimation was sold to Staubli , a Swiss company , which also makes the Puma range of robots .
10 The refusal also makes the Government incapable of carrying conviction in its overall economic policy .
11 He also makes the distinction between lexical and conceptual collocations ; the latter being word pairs that co-occur simply because they are associated to the same context or topic ( e.g. , ’ bomb ’ and ’ soldier ’ , ’ trouble ’ and ’ problem ’ , etc . ) .
12 However , this same increased tolerance to the high associated with E also makes the body more susceptible to some of the longer term psychological side-effects of the drug , such as insomnia , anxiety attacks , panic and depression .
13 Bosch 's wraparound handle also makes the tool easy to carry and use single-handed .
14 Corrie 's also makes the Garden Buggy ( about £36 ) , a lightweight folding wheelbarrow that is ideal for use in a small garden , especially where storage space is a problem .
15 He also makes the point that as someone who is not earning and who is unable to sell his house , his circumstances are not unlike those of many other people .
16 Johnson also makes the point that , in terms of the myth , the light of the lamp reveals a god , and that this is also true in the human psychological context :
17 He also makes the point that what evidence there is may be culture-bound , since most of it comes from the USA and possesses a dominant technological perspective .
18 It also makes the point that our sexuality is squeezed arbitrarily into narrow forms , forcing us to suppress many elements of ourselves at great Shobana Jeyasingh is impressive both as a performer .
19 Corder 's proposal also makes the equation between description and prescription which I questioned earlier .
20 Bill also makes the comment about Securicor .
21 Apart from preventing the helicopter from rotating about its vertical axis , this also makes the model drift to its left and requires some right cyclic trim to balance it .
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