Example sentences of "also been held [that] " in BNC.

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1 The House of Lords has declined to narrow this requirement by demanding that D recognized the risk , and it has also been held that the dangerousness should be judged on the actual circumstances , ignoring D 's mistaken belief about the facts .
2 It has also been held that non-statutory government advisory panels are subject to judicial review .
3 It has also been held that a taxpayer would have standing to challenge the legality of an Order in Council authorizing the payment of public money to the European Community ; and that a television licence-holder has standing in respect of alleged breach by the IBA ( the predecessor of the Independent Television Commission ) of its responsibility to monitor programmes .
4 It has also been held that where the right which the applicant seeks to protect by action in a court was created by the same statute as provided the ( alternative ) remedy for its protection , the statutory remedy is the only one available .
5 It has also been held that a wholesale sale does not become a retail sale because the goods are delivered over a period in retail quantities : Hales v. Buckley [ 1911 ] W.N. 32 .
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