Example sentences of "just 5 per [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 In July 1978 , he announced bluntly that the government would commit the unions to a pay-increase norm of just 5 per cent for the next twelve months .
2 For launches with the space shuttle , however , underwriters are concluding deals with satellite operators where the premium is set at just 5 per cent .
3 Although only a small number of weapons had been eliminated , scientists had calculated that just 5 per cent of the weapons that existed were sufficient to destroy the world .
4 Cedric Brown , BG 's chief executive , said that competitors had taken over 27 per cent of total contract gas sales last year , compared with just 5 per cent in May 1991 .
5 Working on the basis that 8 per cent of the population is presumed to be gay or lesbian , their core document suggests that just 5 per cent of the adult audience in Glasgow represents some 34,000 potential ticket buyers .
6 Though weather disrupted loading at fields which transfer supplies to tankers , the firm said that total production from UK fields was just 5 per cent down at about 1.9 million barrels per day ( bpd ) .
7 But they were probably saying the same thing at the end of the 1960s after the Socialist Party of the day , the Federation de la Gauche Democrate et Socialiste , had won a mere 16.5 per cent of the vote in the 1968 general election and Gaston Deferre , their candidate in the following year 's presidential election had polled just 5 per cent .
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