Example sentences of "more than six [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Experts called in when the walls began to wobble discovered that more than SIX TIMES too much sand had been mixed with the cement in some properties .
2 The new lines , with more than six times the transmission capacity of the old 132kV Grid lines , would greatly strengthen the north — south interconnections which had been weak in the original Grid design ( see Figure 8. 1 ) .
3 The formula is unique ; over half our guests return — many of them more than six times .
4 The latest Confederation of British Industry survey of manufacturing companies shows that more than six times as many companies expect to maintain or increase their investment in training over the next year than expect to reduce it .
5 Any horse hitting one more than six inches from the top either fell or , at best , landed at an angle too steep for comfort .
6 The living topsoil is seldom more than six inches deep ; if one digs or ploughs deeper , one inevitably puts subsoil on the surface and buries the active flora and fauna below the level where they can thrive and do most good .
7 The bearded man pushed his way through those in front of him until he was standing not more than six inches from the young gunman .
8 A punch should not extend so far as to throw the puncher off balance , nor should a block be carried more than six inches above the head .
9 He slept very lightly ( awakening at the slightest sound ) and for no more than six hours a night ( if his parents were lucky ) .
10 The jury , which spent more than six hours considering its verdicts , cleared Mason of threatening to kill Mr Hawes in a separate incident 18 days earlier , but were unable to agree on another charge of affray .
11 Experiments and modern calculations suggest that the Sutton Hoo type boat could average a speed of 3 knots for little more than six hours , so that a crossing of the North Sea from Holland to East Anglia could have been achieved in about 14 days , although if sails were available the time would be considerably less ( Green 1963 ) .
12 Thorpe Park recommend that you plan your day out for a visit of more than six hours to get maximum enjoyment from your outing .
13 Judge Richard Groves discharged the jury after it had considered the case for more than six hours .
14 Where there is a change or delay of confirmed travel arrangements of more than six hours or cancellation of travel arrangements or change of hotel — notified to you within six weeks of departure , we will pay compensation of £10 per person — notified to you within two weeks of departure or on day of travel or arrival at hotel , we will pay compensation of £20 per person .
15 If confirmed transport is cancelled , changed or delayed by more than six hours or hotel is changed or if we are unable to provide you with the services as confirmed to you by us at the time of booking due to war , threat of war , riot , civil strife , industrial dispute , terrorist activity , disaster , fire , flood ( including fire or flood in hotels ) or bad weather we can not accept liability or responsibility and compensation is not payable but provided the holiday has not begun we will offer alternative travel routing or alternative travel date or alternative hotel and advise additional cost if any or you may elect to cancel and we will offer a full refund of monies paid .
16 Those who sleep less sometimes claim to do so by choice , self-righteously accusing everyone else of being idle who spend more than six hours in bed .
17 He need not be taken to a designated police station if it is not anticipated he will be detained for more than six hours or where the arresting officer is without help .
18 The justices heard oral evidence , and after a hearing lasting more than six hours they deferred the statement of their decision and reasons for 10 days .
19 Doctors fought for more than six hours to save the life of Noel O'Kane ( 20 ) , a single man from Keady Road , Swatragh , but he died in Coleraine Hospital yesterday afternoon .
20 Many volunteers complain when fasted for more than six hours .
21 On a surveillance operation we are looking at , I would n't like to see an officer who is armed , more than six hours in that position .
22 With shops closed for more than six hours it 's been a costly afternoon for businesses — but shopkeepers agree the caution is justified .
23 A 34-YEAR-OLD man is expected to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court today in connection with an incident in a house in Argyle Street , Glasgow , during which the police isolated the building for more than six hours .
24 er , then , so that 's at least , well in fact that 's more than sufficient , I should get paid more than six hours because I 've been working on the students , on the disabled games all day Friday
25 Not one delivery — ’ he held up one finger — ‘ was more than six minutes later than we estimated , taking account of the traffic , and we checked every delivery over a period of two weeks . ’
26 Sentence length is the number of words per sentence , word length Bjornsson defines as the percentage of words with more than six letters , and lix is simply an abbreviation of the Swedish word for readability index .
27 The drama was not quite over because all three players managed to hit the last green in two shots , and Harley , by dint of a nice kick forward when the ball pitched , was no more than six feet from the hole .
28 More than six feet under , ’ Richmann continued , and slipped off the safety catch .
29 More than six feet high at the shoulder , the enormous , blue-eyed animal towered above him , swaying slightly on its legs .
30 This woman is fortyish , forty-five , square in the ankles , more than six feet tall on her heels , on her high heels .
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