Example sentences of "more difficult [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Second , quality improvement is far more difficult to define and measure in health than it is in education .
2 If the domain of a criterion statement is broad the representativeness of assessment tasks is more difficult to arrange and criterion performance may thereby be ambivalent .
3 If there has been a prolonged spell of dry weather , leaks and damp are more difficult to detect and you should be doubly suspicious of stains , water marks and white crystals if you see them .
4 It is , however , much more difficult to treat and cure , not least because one of its clinical manifestations , which is part and parcel of the disease , is a firm wish not to be cured , or at least not to be cured unless and until the sufferer wishes to cure herself .
5 In the case of the hierarchical data mapping , the one-to-many relationship types can be represented as parent-child relationships but many-to-many relationships are more difficult to represent and lead to duplication .
6 Similarly , roundhouse kicks to the face may land with a slightly heavier impact because they are inherently more difficult to control and yet are to be encouraged .
7 It is generally price advantageous to specify powders although in use they may be more difficult to control and dose .
8 But the plastics in the waste collected by local authorities tend to be dirtier and of mixed types , and the recycled product made from them is more difficult to control and guarantee , especially for applications that will be in contact with food .
9 The dose equivalence over 24 hours is more difficult to estimate but since salmeterol has a longer duration of action salmeterol 50 µg twice daily may be equivalent to salbutamol 500 µg four to six hourly .
10 I could see the attraction for the Government ; a positive response was more difficult to formulate and meant more work .
11 The goal was becoming more difficult to reach but the ‘ tide ’ continued .
12 Early herbicide treatments provide the best control , because older grass weed seedlings are more difficult to kill and also compromise yield .
13 What effects disturbances on the spiritual plane may have on our mental , emotional or physical well-being are more difficult to assess but it is not impossible that our view of ourselves as machines , with a denial of any spiritual aspect and a consequent loss of meaning in our lives , may be one cause of much of the unhappiness and frustration seen today with results as different as vandalism and cancer — aspects of destruction at one level or another .
14 The members themselves are more difficult to assess and describe .
15 These families are likely to be considerably more difficult to identify and to involve in preventive programmes .
16 Tests at elevated temperatures and elevated humidities are more difficult to accelerate and interpret .
17 Leaking capillary joints can be more difficult to repair and will generally need to be replaced .
18 More difficult to study and quantify is the effect of the washout on the cleavage of the azo-bond .
19 The steep hillsides made it more difficult to hide and transport cattle , and after the establishment of coffee plantations and gardens in the 1840s the crime must have become more difficult to carry out profitably .
20 Undoubtedly , these strictures are technically more difficult to dilate and adequate dilatation takes longer , but with persistence the ultimate results are good and comparable with those in patients with peptic strictures .
21 These bonds , subtler and more difficult to observe and interpret , have been most extensively studied in the experimental herd of Camargue horses at Tour du Valat .
22 The proportion of the different grains present is more difficult to ascertain and is done using two main techniques , point counting and visual estimates .
23 The onward march of technological progress has given us the user-friendly sealed cassette , much more difficult to damage or tamper with — or to intervene in ( and to recreate on modern machines ) .
24 Underground services are more difficult to locate and identify — the claim of the British Gas advertisement on television that ’ you would not believe our main crossed here ’ is only too true .
25 Novels are much more difficult to place and from a new writer , publishers normally want to see the whole book .
26 That is why social processes are so much more difficult to understand and combat than ideologies .
27 What is more , every change makes the tax more difficult to understand and more expensive to administer .
28 It makes the program more difficult to understand and the FOR address is left on the stack .
29 Informality in the water garden is more difficult to achieve and maintain satisfactorily .
30 The present Conservative government found it much more difficult to introduce and regulate charges than it had anticipated , an indication of the difficulty being the long delay in issuing a promised consultative document on charges and the further delay before guidelines were produced .
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