Example sentences of "no right to be " in BNC.

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1 As Senna raced towards the victory he needed in Spain on Sunday , James Hunt , a driver familiar with the pressures of a late challenge for the championship , was saying Senna had no right to be on the track at all .
2 They claimed that she was not yet sixteen and so could not marry and hence had no right to be here .
3 They 'd no right to be there .
4 ‘ Of course , this villa has no right to be here , ’ Nigel told them , ‘ but since it is we must save it for future generations to enjoy . ’
5 And I can promise you that more than one of them has no right to be there .
6 Totally to oust the court 's supervisory jurisdiction in a field where ex hypothesi the citizen can have no right to be consulted is a draconian and dangerous step indeed .
7 As a result evidence … clearly showed that the two Constables had been idling and gossiping together at a place where one of them had no right to be … [ and ] that the Acting Sergeant , on his round of inspection , met these two Constables together , failed to note in his book , as was required in the regulations , the place where and the time where he met them , and to see that the Constables then noted in their books the time and place of his visit …
8 She grew up believing that she had no right to be alive , let alone deserved any happiness .
9 Her core beliefs were ‘ I have no right to be alive ’ and , with somewhat convoluted logic , ‘ I am being forced to stay alive as a punishment for being born . ’
10 I have no right to be seen as a figurehead , I must continue to earn that .
11 It felt as though the tree he was sitting in and the green leaves all around him belonged to another world altogether and that he was a trespasser who had no right to be where he was .
12 It established no right to be consulted , was dominated by the nobility and clergy , and such leading merchants as were included were appointed rather than elected .
13 No-one stared at Ellie as if she had no right to be there .
14 She stood still , feeling scared , and then , when Hepzibah appeared at the top of the stairs , ashamed too , as if she had no right to be listening .
15 He did n't care about anyone ; he 'd turn Hepzibah out and live here himself , where he 'd no right to be
16 Mr. Pannick , for the Secretary of State , reminds us that a prisoner serving a sentence of life imprisonment has no right to be released on licence ; he has at best a hope that the Secretary of State will release him in the exercise of his discretion under section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 .
17 David Rosen came to the steps and peered into the darkness as though into a room where he had no right to be .
18 It has no right to be there and if you will take my advice you will tell Frank Coven to take it out of that window and back to the bank as fast as he can . ’
19 As a result we all feel we should have a say in its appearance , but as yet we have no right to be heard .
20 I had no right to be released before Terry , Tom or Brian as they all had been kidnapped before me .
21 ‘ Now you know I 've no right to be here , ’ she said , ‘ I want you to know what 's waiting for me if ever I get taken back .
22 But perhaps you think I had no right to be . ’
23 The first of the scientific staff to arrive would probably be Clifford Bradley , the Higher Scientific Officer in the Biology Department , scurrying through the hall as if he had no right to be there , with his anxious hunted eyes and that stupid , drooping moustache , so preoccupied that he hardly noticed their greeting .
24 There was something in his face that had no right to be there , and the fact that it was so unexpected made it hard for her to recognise ; but recognise it she did , and its presence bewildered her .
25 You have no right to be here .
26 Luke had no right to be ashamed of her !
27 You had no right to be ashamed of me , and I knew that all along , remember , even if you 've only just discovered it , so I did n't see why I should pander to your wish to keep our affair a secret , ’ she confessed defiantly .
28 Because it was destroying her , these violent swings from high to low , the arousing of needs that had no right to be fulfilled .
29 In this country , even some of our popular newspapers have attacked all asylum seekers as cheats who have no right to be here .
30 He felt that Woolley had no right to be so contemptuous , so damaging ; Killion alone could not have stopped a bombing raid ; besides , had n't he just destroyed two , maybe three of the enemy ?
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