Example sentences of "no doubt that with " in BNC.

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1 To be fair , there is no doubt that with luck , commonsense and sensible advice many people have done very well out of privatisation shares .
2 This is generally supplied by top dressing with direct-feed artificials , and there is no doubt that with the right moisture and soil temperature , earlier and more prolific growth can thus be obtained .
3 There is no doubt that with closer spacing and dissonances in the lower parts the same note-groups could produce ugly results .
4 I am pleased that he mentioned coppicing and wood as a fuel , because there is no doubt that with the increasing amount of agricultural land at our disposal wood as a fuel , including coppicing , could be an important part of our renewable energy strategy in future .
5 Indeed , there is no doubt that with appropriate cueing subjects could have recalled considerably more information about many aspects of the drive .
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