Example sentences of "time before he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When he left Williams for Ferrari , I remember Frank Williams reminiscing at his annual press luncheon that he had fond memories of Alan Jones and Keke Rosberg , but that it would be some time before he had similar memories of Nigel .
2 Some time before he had asked me if I knew this most neglected of novelists , coming up to talk to me in a blue-green Athenian bar from which he was almost at once to be evicted for a splendid falsetto rendering of ‘ The Lost Chord ’ .
3 The runner , who has always protested that he is innocent , insists that the only reason he did not provide a sample at the 1991 GRE Cup meeting was that he did not have time before he had to go to work .
4 It seemed a very long time before he came back .
5 He groaned , then grasped her by the buttocks and lifted her , backing her against the wall , thrusting up into her once , twice , a third time before he came explosively , feeling her shudder violently against him .
6 ‘ I 'd make sure he saw me every time before he went out the door .
7 But if things were quiet on the Rosemary and Travis front , Leith was very much aware that there was a brute of a man in the new extension who was only biding his time before he tripped her up .
8 He had keen eyes and quick hands , so it was a long time before he got caught .
9 If only he could have spoken to her one last time before he 'd been taken down .
10 Following his interview , I wrote an urgent letter about his circumstances to the local housing department , although I recognised that it could be some time before he received any offers of accommodation .
11 He was screaming for a long time before he fell , and we could hear that he was running as he screamed .
12 But it was to be some time before he began putting his interest to any practical application .
13 Baxter 's career at Raith Rovers flourished and it was only a matter of time before he became won of Scotland 's most sought after young stars .
14 Indeed , it should be emphasized that Picasso had been dissatisfied with the limitations imposed on pictorial volumes by a scientific or linear system of perspective for some time before he became aware of the fact that Cézanne 's painting suggested a new concept of form and space .
15 He did not immediately contemplate any drastic change in his filmmaking aesthetic , since his first Hollywood picture , Rebecca ( 1940 ) , was based on a British book and used British actors , and it was some time before he made a completely American picture .
16 We had no knowledge of General Miles ' army until a short time before he made a charge upon us , cutting our camp in two , and capturing nearly all of the horses .
17 Still peering from the corner of his eye , Frankie stared at her breasts for a long time before he realized with a jolt that she was observing him through the mirror .
18 It was some time before he realized that he had been fooled .
19 It was some time before he realized that the entire Sakata factory was lit from end to end by bright , dazzling light .
20 He heard the tin bracelets jangling on her wrists and from time to time she bent her head close over her fists as though blowing on reluctant embers ; but it was some time before he realized that he , too , was naked , and that the hands of the Moi girl were stroking and chafing his own body .
21 Phat struck the motionless corpse of the coolie who had died beside Hoc a third time before he realized that the wretched man had passed forever beyond pain and productive labor .
22 Her face seemed familiar , but it was some time before he realized that she was the curly-haired bit who had given him the slip some months back .
23 I remember one time before he met Hilda — he seemed to have a different lass every Saturday night for a year or more .
24 As for de Gaulle , his views were already well-known , and it could only be a matter of time before he attacked Hallstein and his Commission .
25 Sole , of course , came to the attention of leading English players some time before he won his first cap against France ( an 18-17 win ) at Murrayfield in January 1986 .
26 No doubt he sees this as a stage in his learning to win again , but all the time , he is learning instead to derive small satisfactions from losing — a skill he will have discarded some time before he won the Weembledon ( he really did pronounce it like that ) Junior Championship , all of 20 years ago .
27 In view of the extent of domestic disquiet in the last year of the Crimean War Alexander had every reason to adopt a policy of radical reform , but it was some time before he did so .
28 There must be a door to the outside world : it was only a matter of time before he found it .
29 It was a long time before he pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his face .
30 It would be a long time before he stopped despising himself for having succumbed to a purely physical attraction , and that towards a woman he despised .
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