Example sentences of "then i realised [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At first I was upset by this development , ’ said one official , ‘ but then I realised that with so many places selling the same things either they would go bust or they would have to channel their efforts into other , more necessary things . ’
2 It was only then I realised that these were the Visitor Centre people on their way to Ben Lawers , pockets stuffed with postcards of eagles and leaflets on natural birch forest regeneration .
3 Then I realised that whoever had done it could be hiding somewhere near , waiting to attack again .
4 I wondered why McIllvanney had not told me that Rickie and Robin-Anne Crowninshield were drug addicts , then I realised that McIllvanney would not have told me anything that might have risked my acceptance of the charter , but now that I had learned that the twins had such a severe drug problem I was even less keen to take on the job .
5 Then I realised that I was actually contemplating accepting the senator 's offer , and I told myself that the last thing I needed this summer was to babysit two spoilt rich-kid junkies .
6 colleges these days , but then I realised that he would not be interested in a girl unless she had cantilever overhangs and could be seen five miles away from the top of a bus .
7 Only then I realised that Ron Gibbs had just joined us .
8 Then I realised that this was unlikely and to my relief I found an apple ; slightly bruised by its encounter with me in my bed .
9 Then they said well and then I realised that it was Fennite and I 'd heard of that
10 equal to supervisor so I crossed that out and then I realised that it said intervene .
11 I did n't really believe it at first , er , and then I received couple or more phone calls from er various people in the industry who er , who were aware of it and started to congratulate me , and then I realised that it was the truth , that er I really did have a big hit record once again with Blue Velvet .
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