Example sentences of "then looked up at " in BNC.

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1 Evelyn took up the pen and wrote her name quickly , then looked up at Miss Harker who gave her the briefest of nods and immediately turned her attention back to the rest of the company .
2 The doctor was an elderly man with a grey beard , who examined Paul gravely , then looked up at him with eyes expressionless behind their spectacles ; he had seen many such cases .
3 Hawkins considered his glass for a few moments , then looked up at Talbot .
4 He sat down again , skimmed it , then looked up at Woodward .
5 She read it through then looked up at Philpott .
6 She lifted a hand to touch it , thin and silken ; then looked up at Fand .
7 She let go of Adam 's arm and rose ; then looked up at the man who stood there .
8 She looked past the strolling holidaymakers at the gaily-painted shops along the front , then looked up at the hillside and , beyond it , the Wall , towering over all .
9 Meg sipped at her iced drink then looked up at him .
10 Tubby took one swallow and then looked up at the Colonel .
11 He stared at it a moment , then looked up at her .
12 The boy nodded shyly then looked up at me , dark eyes intent .
13 Hammond read through the file , the colour draining from his face , then looked up at Spatz again .
14 ’ Tolonen said , then looked up at him again , tears in his eyes .
15 She swallowed hard and then looked up at him .
16 Robyn glanced to where he pointed and then looked up at him and folded her arms .
17 He put an ear to his chest , then looked up at them , saying , ‘ He 's still breathing , but his heart 's going twenty to the dozen .
18 Leonora sipped the milk , frowning , then looked up at him .
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