Example sentences of "then [pers pn] shall [be] " in BNC.

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1 I kept waving to Mike but he took no notice , and if I hang about here Otley will only ask me to fetch him a slice of ox and then I shall be sick .
2 Then I shall be your God and you will be my people . ’
3 Then I shall be able to take my stuff into Stowbridge , and Brenda to Brownies at the same time . ’
4 And by that time , if Cyprus is still divided , then I shall be too .
5 ‘ If that is the case then I shall be contacting my advisers .
6 Then I shall be driving back to Tbilisi .
7 And then I shall be in diffs . ’
8 All I have to do is to get through the skin of stones and then I shall be in soft earth ( I imagine ) .
9 And then I shall be flung for ever into the River of the Dead …
10 I have good friends , and if I can keep my faculties — if my eyesight behaves itself and my hearing stays good — then I shall be content
11 ‘ I 'm going to get something to eat , then I shall be at the County Hospital with Dr Franks . ’
12 Then I shall be a fright , ’ she answered .
13 Then I shall be happy to take a civilised and modern revenge , ’ said Jared gravely .
14 ‘ If my hair is responsible , then I shall be rid of it ! ’ she cried , and swung aloft the scissors which her fingers had found .
15 If the public needs to be made aware of what 's going on then I shall be the one to do it , and no one … no one will scare me off from reporting the truth ! ’
16 If there 's any way I can make up for what 's happened , Mr Calder , then I shall be only too pleased to do it . ’
17 Well , if we draw stumps and do n't go to them and somebody writes to the Chief Constable and says I 'm very disappointed that your force no longer is gone A L O's then I shall be very happy that that letters received by the Chief because we can say well we told you so .
18 The hour may come within weeks , within days , to-morrow ; and then , before I take the field with the fate of Wales in my hands , I have a need of her and a use for her here ; and then I shall be loosed from this dumbness that binds my tongue , and I shall be able to say to her what needs to be said , and what as yet I can not say .
19 If we finish before then I shall be very annoyed !
20 Then I shall be like this every time something crops up .
21 This may be well , but what if God has seen and death ensue , then I shall be no more and Adam wedded to another Eve shall live with her enjoying I extinct a death to think .
22 It 's only after that that once again she begins to be worried at possible consequences ‘ What if God hath seen and death ensue , then I shall be no more and Adam wedded to another Eve ’ and therefore , of course , ‘ Adam shall share with me in bliss or woe ’ .
23 If a woman be delivered and bear a man-child , then she shall be unclean for seven days ; as in the days of the impurity of her sickness shall she be unclean .
24 But if she bear a maid-child , then she shall be unclean two weeks , as in her impurity ; and she shall continue in the blood of purification threescore and six days .
25 ‘ And then we shall be able to move in , ’ said Dimity happily .
26 If we can get a clear idea about the situation in which teachers find themselves at present , and how they experience it , then we shall be in a better position to see what the most productive way forward is .
27 ‘ We should all be regarded as people of faith who are pilgrims together and as we seek to understand and appreciate each others traditions and values then we shall be gaining rather than losing . ’
28 But if we act as if we belong to Jesus Christ then we shall be seen to have that plus and others will be attracted to Jesus Christ through us .
29 if it shall appear by the record of the books , rolls and memoranda of his court , or by ancient perambulations , or by any other sufficient evidence , that any royal demesnes , or lands or woods which were in the forests before the time of Henry II , had been excluded by the late perambulations , then they shall be re-afforested .
30 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
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