Example sentences of "have lost [det] of " in BNC.

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1 A pasture entered as ‘ permanent grassland ’ in the agricultural statistics could therefore have lost all of its nature conservation interest .
2 Cooke was due to slip below Prean on the next list , which should appear at the start of the New Year , but unless there is a rapprochement between the player and the ETTA , whose chairman is Prean 's father John , the rankings will have lost much of their meaning .
3 In the face of a scheme which would have lost much of the old hospital , a local group determined to fight to save all the buildings and contacted SAVE for advice .
4 Indeed , had it not been constructed when it was , Peter Scott 's Wildfowl Trust situated further up river at Slimbridge would probably have lost much of its new grounds to erosion by now .
5 The chivalrous impulses of Hi Ridden and Sard Harker are natural and human as well as idealistic : if they had not been , the novels would have lost much of their vigour and point .
6 Timbuctu may have lost some of its mystique but still attracts more legionnaires than lager-louts and was always going to appeal to the adventure-seekers who answered the call of the organising triumvirate of Jerome Viellard , Oliver du Plessis and Ann-Pascale Suppot-Reveilhac .
7 ARCO may have lost some of its glamour , but with the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia performing an important task in educating a local market in international art , it is difficult to believe that the leading galleries will not return in a future year .
8 By changing the adjective discreet into an adverb , this would have lost some of the force of the original , which attributes the behavioural quality of discretion metonymically to the door , an inanimate object which can not , in literal actuality , possess it .
9 Some of Britain 's most prolific bidders may have lost some of their confidence after recent setbacks .
10 So the sample may not have been complete er and once the sample was taken , one could have lost some of the material .
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