Example sentences of "have to be able " in BNC.

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1 But a 17 keV neutrino would have to be able to spin both ways .
2 In order to achieve their aims , the various sub-units of L Detachment would have to be able to carry enough explosive in their packs to destroy considerable numbers of aircraft on the ground .
3 They will have to be able to recognise the various transient and accident conditions and the plant 's response to them and appreciate events that are caused , or worsened , by in appropriate action on their part .
4 ‘ The editor we 've been looking for will also have to be able to cope with Alice Cooper dropping into our offices , plus other heavy metal groups who 've been into the heavy metal jewellery shop , the Great Frog which is in Carnaby Street beneath our offices .
5 They do not have to be able to pilot a 747 or manage a public company share issue to comprehend the explanation of the standards expected of those that do .
6 The briefcase would have to be able to handle any live gig but would also have to be suitable for rehearsals and recording sessions .
7 P.S. Mind you , you do have to be able to on-sight Indian Face with an anvil strapped to your chest to become chairman !
8 It hardly needs emphasizing that on any question that is interesting , such as social roles of the sexes , we would have to be able to read the historical record better than we now can in order to arrive at any strong conclusions about what is biologically discouraged .
9 Of course , some people take hobbies , pastimes and other activities to incredible lengths , but you do n't have to be able to converse knowledgeably about all the different types to enjoy an exquisite bloom .
10 For we should have to be able to redescribe both the actions we currently regard as rational , and those we think of as requiring a reactive response , so as to overcome the contrast between them .
11 With advice from the head teacher and the LEA representative , when present , the governors presiding over a case conference will have to be able to evaluate the options put forward , including alternative education outside the mainstream school system , and make a recommendation .
12 If Paul were to challenge successfully the adherents of Tammuz , Jesus would have to be able to match the older god , miracle for miracle .
13 What basically emerges from the planning point of view is the number of objectives that need to be considered in terms of pupil performance — not only what he will be able to do at completion ( on which educational technologists have understandably concentrated ) but also what he will have to be able to do in the process .
14 The artists do not have to be able to draw , though it helps : they do , however , have to be able to ‘ visualize ’ a design or a film and be able to explain their ideas by words and rough pictures so that a specialized artist or photographer can produce the finished illustration .
15 The artists do not have to be able to draw , though it helps : they do , however , have to be able to ‘ visualize ’ a design or a film and be able to explain their ideas by words and rough pictures so that a specialized artist or photographer can produce the finished illustration .
16 At least I 'll have to be able to give some reason why I suspected him . ’
17 Do n't you have to be able to play something ? ’
18 If the prey can themselves move , the predator will have to be able to move faster , or with sufficient stealth that it can catch its prey without a long chase .
19 To match DNA with no natural selection , the typists would each have to be able to type the whole of the New Testament with only one error .
20 I do not have to be able to see his face .
21 It was clear almost from the outset that the final instrument would have to be able to compute certain parameters of its measurement function , in order to cope with variations in environment .
22 The seller may be unreasonable and the acquirer would have to be able to show what the opinion of the seller was .
23 From October 1990 all new cars manufactured will have to be able to run on unleaded petrol .
24 Hamlet is up against not just a man , but a king , he will have to strike when the king is unarmed , And he would also have to be able to explain his actions , and yet even his mother does not believe him , but only see him as mad
25 , you 'll have to be able to do it or else you wo n't be able to clean your teeth .
26 My o 's gon na be a snake and I go right down look at that that 's the last thing I 'm gon na have to be able to do .
27 He may not be able to see the political and general interest wood for the specialist trees , and there is a sense in which there are obviously dangers of that kind erm and the generalist has always taken the view that it 's for the specialist to be able to explain his problems in language which , after all , politicians who take the final decisions will have to be able to understand .
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