Example sentences of "have a [adj] interest " in BNC.

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1 Those with a recent interest in politics , who found the election interesting but did not have a general interest in politics at other times , gave PEBs high ratings for usefulness on leaders , issues , and voting choice .
2 There are very few things take place in the world in which Fiji has a direct interest , it may have a general interest in the way things are going but it , direct interests it , it 's quite limited .
3 If we really believed it was risky we would have a financial interest against timber-frame being built .
4 I hope that I have redressed the balance regarding the usual effect of freeze branding and by the way I do n't have a financial interest in either system so my view is unbiased .
5 Of course when one thought about it rationally it was obvious there was bound to be an investigation of some kind , but throughout the long flight she had been too concerned with the purely personal implications of the news item to give a thought to those who might have a financial interest in the story .
6 Consequently , the landlord has no financial interest in preventing the tenant from using the building round the clock , and may have a financial interest in permitting him to do so , since the rent may be enhanced on review .
7 Since Ford would dominate the UK car market , it was hoped that the company would have a major interest in ensuring that this market was successful and that this might involve the expansion of research and development in the UK .
8 Even in their middle-age , however , Anita 's children could have a deep interest in the terms of her will .
9 ( Gledhill 1984 , p.31 ) Film structures our fantasies ( entertainment or escapism ) as well as our realities ( film as documentary ‘ evidence ’ or information ) and each function in itself is ample reason why feminists should have a keen interest in the cinema .
10 Apart from harmonizing measures formulated for the purpose of establishing a common market , whose regulators will have a keen interest in acts in one member State that can produce effects in others , most harmonization instruments dealing with contracts are confined to international transactions .
11 They had come , they said , to take Klein to lunch and to have a friendly discussion about a matter in which he might have a mutual interest .
12 The health authority would have a legitimate interest in the decision in the light of its current responsibility towards J. and towards other patients for whose care its necessarily limited resources have to be used .
13 The court found that as practice by the defendant as a consultant could not injure the plaintiffs ' professional business , the clause was too wide in that it sought to encompass activities in which the plaintiffs did not have a legitimate interest .
14 Obviously , one can not accept anything that Philby says since he would have a vested interest in causing mischief amongst the British security services , but it is interesting that he did volunteer the suggestion that MI6 was involved .
15 Harvey said that ‘ BTG 's independence and integrity will be protected because there are no industrial investors [ in the consortium ] who may have a vested interest in our technologies ; nor will any investor hold a stake larger than 15 per cent ’ .
16 Thus , not only will few cars enter Woonerven areas , but a high proportion of them will be driven by residents who will have a vested interest in the safe operation of the new street layout .
17 Ask yourself ‘ What are the pay-offs of being shy , and do I have a vested interest in maintaining them ? ’
18 Those firms that rely heavily on subcontracting though , do have a vested interest in offering at least some protection to their main suppliers and this is one reason why the small firm sector has survived .
19 It may seem strange that lawyers might have a vested interest in making the law move faster .
20 And I think they should have a vested interest in that .
21 There is also authority for the proposition that for the purposes of s.5(1) a copyright owner does not have a proprietary interest in the item copied : Storrow [ 1983 ] Crim LR 332 .
22 Otherwise , it means any Bill imposing a charge on public funds and the House of Lords may have a substantial interest in its overall contents .
23 We want to continue a range of business activities in the nuclear area and of course Government Division will have a strong interest in dealing with the nuclear liabilities .
24 So , for example , it may be that a keen walker would have a special interest in a stretch of country where he or she frequently walked which would entitle him or her to challenge a decision to grant planning permission to develop it , whereas an ordinary member of the public or even of some environmental group in a different area might not have .
25 It was just that — well , I thought you might have a special interest in what we found out — ’
26 We have just seen that banks have the power to create money through lending and that they will frequently have a commercial interest in so doing .
27 A " moral duty " may similarly exist in the case of a specialist journal circulating only , say , to members of a profession , who would have a shared interest in receiving information about discreditable conduct of a fellow member .
28 ( i ) Does the applicant have a sufficient interest within R.S.C. , Ord. 53 , r. 3(7) to entitle him to apply for judicial review ? ( ii ) Is the exercise by Lautro of its power to serve an intervention notice subject to judicial review ? ( iii ) Is , or was , Winchester a member of Lautro ? ( iv ) Whether or not Winchester was a member of Lautro , did it have a right to appeal under Lautro 's rules to the Appeal Tribunal ? ( v ) Did the failure by Lautro to give Winchester an opportunity to make representations before the service of the intervention notice invalidate that notice so that it should be quashed ?
29 All are linked , in their own special way , with the business of selection and implementation and , in an ideal world , should have a common interest towards maintaining quality in schools .
30 The thought occurred once again to Henry that someone who was n't him might have a sexual interest in his wife .
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