Example sentences of "could say a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before anyone could say a word he had turned on his heel and strode off looking to left and right as he went .
2 Before Cowley could say a word , he had left the Intensive Care room and was pounding along the corridor to the front exit of the Hospital .
3 But before she could say a word that 'un came rushin' in . ’
4 Before either of them could say a word , he turned and began to speak as though they had asked him a question .
5 And so before he could say a word , she rushed on .
6 Before Mum or Dad could say a word , Natalie was jumping around the hall , singing , ‘ I 'm a Rainbow , I 'm a Rainbow ! ’ much to the amusement of all my Brownie friends .
7 ‘ You could say a word to Dersingham .
8 She had to call on acting powers she 'd never known she possessed to face Marianne calmly , but before she could say a word there was a knock on the door and Josh 's friendly , bearded face appeared .
9 ‘ Inherited wealth ! ’ said Ellen when they got home , before Bernard could say a word .
10 Then , before Ronni could say a word , she was heading , laughing , for the door .
11 And before Leith could say a word to lessen his agitation , ‘ Heaven alone knows what chance I 've got with Rosemary now , but she 'd finish with me for sure , I know she would , if anyone else knew about us ! ’
12 Sophie gasped with pleasure , but before she could say a word , Helen laughed .
13 Fabia got out , then found that before she could say a word , Ven was escorting her inside the hotel and waiting with her while she collected her room key .
14 Ari tried to wriggle away from him a little , somehow annoyed he could say a thing like that at a time like this .
15 I could say a lot about ho , but anyway we started this and we used to go to the I L P , and we used to get packed meetings there on a Sunday night , and s then about nineteen , course we had the general strike , and through the general strike we was both in the I L P and we were doing everything we could you know , distributing the illegal leaflets , and er newspapers that we duplicated , on a hand duplicator .
16 ‘ Yet , ’ Moreau was saying , ‘ I suppose you could say a soldier has more need of a religious faith than most .
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