Example sentences of "could probably [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 And anyway they could probably design a system based on the photo-electric cell .
2 I was gon na say y could probably do a roller in the same fabric as
3 Yeah , but he could probably do a two till ten shift , but the two would be alright , but you would n't want to go out ten o'clock at night and pick him up .
4 A nome , trying hard , could probably cover a mile and a half in an hour over open ground .
5 If they were living in England they could probably cope a lot better .
6 ‘ You could probably knock a little off the price for that . ’
7 even this , it 's probably this one year you could probably eat a
8 I think I could probably send a return on Tuesday erm but I 'd rather wait because if I can send stuff properly done rather than you know done to the latest or or the the pre-latest system then I will .
9 Cos I do n't think there 's many people in this room could probably programme a video itself .
10 If it was n't for the law of libel we could probably make a very nice little thing out of it . ’
11 I take a deep breath , ‘ I said I could probably write a story about my own death . ’
12 If the translator wishes to maintain this thematic organization and , at the same time , adhere to an obligatory order of subject + verb in the target language , nominalization could probably provide a good strategy in many contexts .
13 On the other hand , the lowest incidence of prematurity was found among managerial , professional and clerical workers ' children , among whom the mothers could probably provide a higher quality of prenatal care .
14 Actually , he could probably get a game .
15 I tend to favour the idea that people who have not been out of business too long could probably play a valuable role , although I accept that , if someone has been out of active business life for two or three years , his contacts and awareness of up-to-date affairs may have changed .
16 right , you 've made yourself a , your , twenty thousand anyway , then you could probably buy a , a nice little two bedroom bungalow
17 A young process chemist could probably learn a lot about real life from this book , and the old hands should appreciate it as well .
18 Indeed , if one could find some way of starting the downswing , one could probably hit a satisfactory shot with a club head swung on a chain using the stiffness generated by the tension .
19 He knew that although Ulthuan could probably win a war in the bleak northern lands , the cost would be so high that the Elf realms would never recover .
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