Example sentences of "could n't [verb] said " in BNC.

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1 Ten days before , the lad could n't have said that .
2 Though he could n't have said what that purpose might be .
3 He could n't have said a truer word .
4 His aim is to make ACT number one supplier for the international finance sector , and although he admits he could n't have said such a thing three years ago without being laughed at , he now feels confident that it is a realisable goal .
5 Angelica could n't have said .
6 By the time masculine footsteps sounded on the flight of steps beyond the veranda , she could n't have said whether twenty minutes had passed or fifty .
7 Ironically she felt a tiny pang of regret for the long Viking locks , though she could n't have said why .
8 If conditions did n't improve soon she 'd be in very real danger of getting stuck in the snow — as it was she could n't have said with any real certainty whether she was driving on the road or in a field .
9 Tears came into her eyes as she watched him , though she could n't have said why , but she did know it was something she 'd never forget , etched on her memory now forever .
10 And , as I met her eyes , I did have a memory of something , although I could n't have said what .
11 Whatever it was I 'd taken from Sunil 's house — and I 'd only done it as a favour to him , after all — he could n't have said anything to Nassim about it .
12 It was ridiculous to feel safe with someone who , in every other sense , seemed to represent a threat , even though she could n't have said precisely what that threat was .
13 Why she stayed on waiting for that phone call Leith could n't have said , though she thought her very large concern about paying her mortgage had something to do with it .
14 She was still trying to cope with what she was beginning to realise was her over-reaction , though she could n't have said quite why she should feel so alarmed , when he told her coolly , ‘ You misunderstand me , Miss Everett , ’ and was on his feet too as , looking arrogantly down at her , he stated bluntly , ‘ Should I ever be so lucky as you suggest , then , be sure of it , I 'd throw away my rabbit 's foot , ’ and having forthrightly left her under no illusion but that should he ever get saddled with her then he would consider his luck had run out , he went on toughly , ‘ I already know the answer , but , for the record , I want to hear it from you — are you just playing around with Travis for the pure hell of it — or , ’ his voice had taken on a grim edge , ‘ are you in love with him ? ’
15 Sunk in introspective misery , Virginia could n't have said later if it was wet or dry , day or night , winter or summer .
16 I could n't have said it .
17 Fabia knew that her mind was made up then , even though she could n't have said with any conviction that she looked forward to going up to that large , elegant house again in a week from now .
18 But as she sat beside Ven Gajdusek while the car rolled silently downhill and into Mariánské Láznë , and she recovered her normally even temper , she could n't have said that she was too put out by the experience .
19 I 'm trying to explain to you that there was a different atmosphere about it , the whole situation , I know they were hard times , I know that some people had some really rough times but it did n't show very much , and when I come to think of all my parents ' friends I do n't remember anybody having a wife bashing episode or they all seemed to be very contented with their lot somehow except one , and that was a little bit dicey when I was a little kid , but the man died and the Observer the next week the er obituary notice was put in the paper and underneath they 'd got , with Christ which is far better and my father said and they she could n't have said anything better words
20 She could n't have said nothing to our if she did I should have thought well alright our nan said I must bloody go up but she did n't come up Sunday .
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