Example sentences of "could hope [prep] was " in BNC.

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1 Once the best you could hope for was a 50-year-old prima ballerina who sometimes starred at the local opera house .
2 While Mary Tudor lived , the Protestants in Scotland had never actually given up , but as long as England as well as France and Spain was Catholic , all they could hope for was survival ; and there was no point in preferring an English alliance to a French one .
3 The best she could hope for was that someone would come along and abuse her in various disgusting and incomprehensible ways .
4 It made its own terms , and the best you could hope for was it would n't happen the way it had happened to Mary Moxton at the Turk 's Head .
5 All she could hope for was that Spiderglass would never find out who she really was .
6 In such cases the most that an employer could hope for was that by his treatment of his workers he could obtain some minimal loyalty .
7 There was no privacy for the dead : the most one could hope for was a certain reverence .
8 The best he could hope for was to give his thoughts free rein , to recapture phrases , images , notions , and play with them , allowing them to make patterns in his mind .
9 The best he could hope for was to see Helen a bit while she was on the rebound … but maybe …
10 As it was , the most she could hope for was his speedy return to Hong Kong , but for now she supposed she would just have to endure a certain amount of contact , as he had warned her earlier at the party just before leaving her with Cavell Fielding and Penny Seu Chen .
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