Example sentences of "could not have said " in BNC.

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1 He was still inside her , but softened and withdrawn , and she could not have said honestly that the experience was an exciting one .
2 Something was wrong she knew though she could not have said what it was and she was not in the least surprised when he made some excuse about being a bit busy next week and unable to see her .
3 He saw the death of his son , a placenta previa child who died during Lili 's labour , as direct vengeance , though he could not have said who was exacting it .
4 Yeremi almost clung to the former undercity dweller , whether out of strange fellow feeling or only for support he could not have said .
5 If he had chosen to confide in anyone then he could not have said clearly what was the summit of his aspiration .
6 The main reason why scholars have thought that the forged passages conferring the primacy were already in the documents in 1072 is that , if they were not there , Lanfranc could not have said that these papal letters were the ultimum robur of his whole case .
7 Sometimes this pleased him and sometimes it made him feel frightened , though he could not have said why .
8 Jasper knew she was pretending , though he could not have said how he knew .
9 She could not have said that she found him dull , because she did not know it , and was conscious only of her own failure , and her misery at her own personal inadequacy quite drowned any sensation of boredom .
10 Even Hazel could not have said a word for his life .
11 Brian came from her own home town , though she had not known him there : this had some significance , both acknowledged , though Liz could not have said what it was .
12 I was certain , although I could not have said why , that if I did not answer correctly this might well be the end .
13 It seemed the right thing to do , though he could not have said why .
14 He could not have said more plainly , ‘ It will soon be you and I. ’ There was an understanding between them .
15 Her hands flew to his shoulders , but whether to fend him off or make him stay she could not have said .
16 She wanted to get it out , get it over and done with , and she could not have said anything worse .
17 Although why it should have plummeted to her feet at the mention of the unknown Joanna , she could not have said .
18 I could not have said it better or more concisely .
19 The Prime Minister could not have said that between 1987 and April 1991 — the four years when child benefit was frozen .
20 Robert could not have said why , but he had the strong impression that the engineering master , too , had been listening at the door .
21 ‘ I could not have said it better myself , ’ he said coldly .
22 Ten days before , the lad could n't have said that .
23 Though he could n't have said what that purpose might be .
24 He could n't have said a truer word .
25 His aim is to make ACT number one supplier for the international finance sector , and although he admits he could n't have said such a thing three years ago without being laughed at , he now feels confident that it is a realisable goal .
26 Angelica could n't have said .
27 By the time masculine footsteps sounded on the flight of steps beyond the veranda , she could n't have said whether twenty minutes had passed or fifty .
28 Ironically she felt a tiny pang of regret for the long Viking locks , though she could n't have said why .
29 If conditions did n't improve soon she 'd be in very real danger of getting stuck in the snow — as it was she could n't have said with any real certainty whether she was driving on the road or in a field .
30 Tears came into her eyes as she watched him , though she could n't have said why , but she did know it was something she 'd never forget , etched on her memory now forever .
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