Example sentences of "could [be] enough [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The shock could be enough to kill her .
2 A goal from one of the modern day Armstrongs could be enough to settle it in Dublin , or at least contribute to a ‘ result . ’
3 ‘ Any change in routine could be enough to undermine Signorina Nilsen 's confidence . ’
4 The two cities indirectly hold more than 17 per cent and 10 per cent of MBB which could be enough to stop the merger , observers said .
5 A swing to Labour in the region 's key marginals , plus gains in the West Midlands and in the South could be enough to put Neil Kinnock into No.10 Downing Street as Prime Minister .
6 An Int test ( Cryptography +10 ) allows these names to be decoded ; there are no exact addresses , but an entry such as ‘ Schwenninger of N. , four unbaptised infants ’ could be enough to track down the supplier in Nuln .
7 Since mallards do not dive there was presumably no great competition between the two species for food but with over 100 birds on such a small stretch of water it was difficult to see how there could be enough to go round .
8 The difference does not seem great — only about one part in 10 000 — but , when combined with other observations , it could be enough to explain El Niño .
9 A judge of the court — one of the three who voted in favour of Mr Yeltsin — said the ruling could be enough to clear the way for impeachment proceedings .
10 The church was recently struck by lightning , and although there 's no danger of the spire falling in on the congregation , a rousing hymn could be enough to make the damage worse .
11 Reporters like Terry Lewis needed so little to go on to formulate a story ; he would n't even have to name Luke Calder , just make some veiled references to his identity that could be enough to discredit him .
12 But in strong and blustery winds where the drift speed could be enough to drag the bait unnaturally sideways , it would be better to mount the bait head first ( fig 2 ) .
13 So it does not seem realistic to look to credit cost disclosure regulations , and the wider awareness of APRs that these will bring , to change people 's credit buying habits much ( though even a small change could be enough to influence lenders to offer more attractively competitive rates ) .
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