Example sentences of "could [adv] be expected " in BNC.

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1 Relations with the trade unions deteriorated rapidly , as could only be expected .
2 Even Father Watson could scarcely be expected to swallow this .
3 Lady Merchiston 's situation , Theda recognised , was symptomatic of the whole , and she could appreciate that the Diggorys could scarcely be expected to cope with a task that would baffle an army of servants .
4 If the court or the arbitrator should find against the validity of the expulsion , the injured partner should as a matter of common sense be given the opportunity of retiring from the firm on short notice : relations with those party to an attempt to expel him could scarcely be expected to remain harmonious .
5 However , prior to the Act taking effect , Colleges were effectively underwritten by the LEA , and an input of additional finance could normally be expected in the event of major shortfalls , compensating for any underlying inequality in the system .
6 A single rosette is an indication that the food is of a higher standard than could normally be expected in a hotel or restaurant within a particular classification .
7 When the FA protested , they received a splendid rebuff to the effect that the PFA could not be expected ‘ to regard seriously the opinion that a football player forfeits a common legal right on entering into a professional engagement with a football club ’ .
8 The normative requirements of the defence of duress ( discussed in detail in Chapter 6.4 ) ensure that it is restricted to dire and realistic threats which a citizen of reasonable firmness could not be expected to resist .
9 Given the losses and a circulation that has fallen back to 540,000 , in third place in the race behind the Sunday Times and The Sunday Telegraph , a premium price could not be expected .
10 Such procedures are right for generating the phenomenon in Wagner 's associative form — a series of widely spaced exposure trials will promote the formation of a context-stimulus association ; and the after-effects of presentation of the target stimulus could not be expected to survive a 24-h retention interval .
11 The morning engagements Thrush Green could readily understand , for a man living alone could not be expected to polish and clean , to cook and scrub , and to wash and iron for himself ; though , as Ella pointed out , plenty of women lived alone and did all that with one hand tied behind them , and often went out to work as well into the bargain , and no one considered it remarkable .
12 He or she could not be expected to emerge simply as the result of exposure to the properly approved values , though such exposure was crucial , hence the importance of suitable club workers , in particular those with a public-school background .
13 Sonar made interesting contacts but could not identify them directly , while passive underwater photography ( photographing whatever passes a given spot ) had the potential to reveal essential detail but could not be expected to make contact without a much sounder basis for deploying the cameras .
14 Individuals on the other side of the water would pay five or seven hundred pounds to procure their discharge , which could not be expected to continue if they could be released by other means .
15 The introduction of summary financial statements ensured that building society members did not have to cope with extensive , detailed financial information that they did not want and could not be expected to understand .
16 The people who were devoting their lives to transforming society into an egalitarian paradise could not be expected to live like other people who had nothing better on their minds than scratching a living .
17 A girl brought up in a convent with the whole town knowing her circumstances could not be expected to feel any warmth towards the people who lived in splendour over in Westlands .
18 The left argued that children who speak dialect at home could not be expected to speak Standard English , which they regarded as middle class , and that it was improper to make this an essential attainment target in a national curriculum .
19 After all , the coincidence could not be expected to occur so neatly every 150 million years .
20 Representatives from the State Education Commission accepted that funds were insufficient but argued that the state could not be expected to provide for everything .
21 After the Ebro , Catalonia could not be expected to hold on for long , and if Catalonia fell the rest of Republican Spain was likely to follow .
22 His sort of realism just could not be expected to compete with that of the gangster film and especially now with that being offered by James Cagney .
23 Other employers referred to the advantages of employing search consultants for particularly sensitive appointments ; obviously a personnel director could not be expected to try and find his or her successor .
24 The concept that social intervention could have effects unintended by the practitioners , and which could be revealed only by asking the clients for their subjective impressions , took a long time to achieve currency , and had to do battle with the time-honoured attitude in professional practice that the client could not be expected to know what he , or more usually she , wanted .
25 Erm obviously the , presumably the Sultan of Turkey as a , as erm as a Muslim could not be expected to sign the holy alliance .
26 Similarly , in a widely quoted study conducted by Wu , the findings were that a ‘ substantial impact of insider trading on stock prices could not be expected . ’
27 Embarrassment at the lack of results was brushed off by pointing out that the social sciences were new , and therefore could not be expected to achieve the theoretical power of the natural sciences straight away .
28 It was early seen as a public responsibility , since the individual could not be expected to control such large-scale enterprises as water supply and sewerage .
29 In diplomatic exchanges , at least , the French accepted American reservations about unregenerate colonialism in Vietnam although , as the French pointed out , they could not be expected to assist in or condone the establishment of a government of Vietnam which would not follow democratic principles ‘ as these are understood in the West ’ .
30 In this instance Schuman described Vietnam in terms of financial and military haemorrhage , a burden that France could not be expected to carry indefinitely and one which threatened her ability to meet European defence commitments .
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