Example sentences of "could [verb] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 So we got engaged and waved my family off to Australia ; he knew of a little cottage we could buy not far from his boat yard — his boat yard , ’ she said disparagingly with a little snort of disgust .
2 Share prices could fall so far that his cash offer for DRG , the Basildon Bond company , starts to look attractive .
3 Sorry I do n't think even the BBC could look that far North after all they 're having probs seing past London and Scumchester .
4 If he could remember that far back .
5 Extra financial resources might also be needed in the short term to establish a workable transfer system , though in the longer term a fast transfer system could work out far cheaper than the existing system : a Special Hospital or Regional Secure Unit place costs double that of a place in an ordinary mental health unit and quadruple the cost of a hostel place .
6 This led to a reappraisal by the Euro-currency markets and banks-of their exposure to borrowers in the non-industrialized world , carrying With it the danger that attitudes could swing too far in the opposite direction and that too restrictive a stance might jeopardize international trade and economic growth .
7 You ought to go to Yelton yourself and see the privation there , but I do n't suppose you could walk as far as your gate , never mind finding a horse strong enough to carry you .
8 all the way up to the mountains , you could walk so far you could nearly cross over and go to another village right up the mountains , just keep walking and walking for ever , or you could go into the
9 So I think it 's easy to see that religion fulfils this civilizing socially controlling role , but of course , this has been a popular theme in sociological writing in the course of the twentieth century , indeed , you could go so far as to say this , it is has become a cliche , in twentieth century social science .
10 Few could go so far as Musurus Pasha , who during his thirty-five years as Turkish ambassador in London staffed the embassy entirely with his sons , nephews and sons-in-law ; but even in the most developed states of western Europe and on the eve of the 1914 conflict family influences could still be important .
11 ‘ No , Nina , I was n't in love with David Markham , ’ said Rachel firmly , then , seeing that Nina was still slightly bemused , she added , ‘ In fact , I think you could go so far as to say I detested him . ’
12 In theory this process could go as far as equating marginal cost with demand so that the bureaucracy obtains all the consumer surplus .
13 The 1940s and war made seditious literature a vital concern ; the 1950s and anti-communism made left-wing literature seem so threatening ; the 1960s and permissiveness eventually caused us to think we could go too far with ‘ indecent ’ and ‘ obscene ’ books ; and the 1970s and 1980s and the move towards a more multicultural society and the assertiveness of nationality made us conscious of the damage of racist and religiously intolerant literature .
14 A potential danger is that the trend away from the identification and analysis of planation surfaces could go too far so that insufficient attention is accorded to these remnants in the landscapes of areas dominated by formerly extensive landsurfaces .
15 So , by measuring the height of the sun , they could tell how far north or south of the Equator ( an imaginary line round the middle of the earth ) they were .
16 Who could tell how far she would go ?
17 On this assumption , a Cambridge don , John Michell , wrote a paper in 1783 in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London in which he pointed out that a star that was sufficiently massive and compact would have such a strong gravitational field that light could not escape : any light emitted from the surface of the star would be dragged back by the star 's gravitational attraction before it could get very far .
18 But who could get this far and not just push it a little bit ?
19 Adam , celebrating his second victory over Johnson this week , gasped : ‘ I did n't think I could get this far .
20 Ooh yes , definitely , definitely yes , I would say you , you know nobody ever expected they could get this far and I , I 've heard people say this , you know .
21 But erm , yes I 've heard a lot of people say that er , they never thought they could get this far .
22 I could get in far easier by just busting a window . ’
23 It used to be said with a considerable amount of justification that you could get as far as Inspector on your own bat but after that ‘ No ’ , you needed somebody pushing you — city councillor , anything .
24 Initially they could get as far as point A , then only as far as point B , and then only as far as point C. Thus the circle of safety tends to diminish gradually .
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