Example sentences of "some detail in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ilyas , known as Ciwi-zade ( Civizade : d. 995/1587 ) , not to be confused with his father who bore the same name and who , as one of the Muftis in the period under review , is treated in some detail in a later chapter .
2 I discussed them in some detail in the chapter on event planning .
3 17.54 ( i ) Pupils should have opportunities to write in a wider range of forms , including a number of the following : notes , diaries , personal letters , formal letters , chronological accounts , reports , pamphlets , reviews ( of books , television programmes , films or plays ) , essays , advertisements , newspaper articles , biography , autobiography , poems , stories , playscripts. ( ii ) Through experience of a wider range of literature they should learn to produce stories which are more consciously crafted , for example , using some detail in the portrayal of characters or settings or with some attempt to introduce elements of suspense or surprise with a skilfully managed resolution .
4 This is an important consideration when attempting to interpret palaeoecology from the composition of fossil faunas that are derived from predator activity , and it has been treated in some detail in the appendix , where comparative data for a number of the predator species has been summarized .
5 Landseer praised his Seventy-eight Studies from Nature 1808–1810 and talked about it in some detail in the New London Review of 1810 .
6 I considered this process in some detail in The Secret of the Creative Vacuum , for if our basic premises are incorrect , then all findings based upon such foundations will also be suspect .
7 These implications are explored in some detail in the next chapter , but in this one I want to elaborate a little on the model itself by considering more closely how it bears upon certain current issues in the pedagogy of language teaching .
8 ( The argument that went on in Tanzania at this time is referred to in some detail in the next chapter . )
9 Types 3 and 4 are of direct relevance to us , and are discussed in some detail in the present chapter ; types 1 and 2 , on the other hand , are irrelevant , and we need to know how to exclude them .
10 The circumstances in which Mrs. O'Brien was persuaded by her husband to sign the legal charge are set out in some detail in the judge 's judgment .
11 Less well known , perhaps , is our vision of sustainable development , production and consumption , matters that are addressed in some detail in the document referred to in paragraphs 22 and 23 , above .
12 In view of the importance of this work for modern literary theory I shall deal with it in some detail in the pages that follow .
13 First I want to say a little bit about the nineteen ninety three ninety four building materials pay round which is dealt with in some detail in the written report that you have .
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