Example sentences of "some parts [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
2 However an increase is needed to take account of the growing number of elderly ( heavy users of the NHS ) and developments in health care technology , and increased spending has been more modest in some parts of the service , notably hospitals .
3 This has already begun in some parts of the country .
4 This has already begun in some parts of the country , including Wiltshire .
5 The ministry of labour suspects that about half of the unemployed have indeed been laid off , but other evidence suggests that at least in some parts of the country the proportion is much lower .
6 They pointed out that adders might be endangered in some parts of the country but they are thriving north of the border .
7 In some parts of the country it has been the practice to sell freehold land for building , and to take the price in the form of a perpetual rentcharge created by the purchaser ; this practice took the place of the more common building lease .
8 But on some parts of the M25 we were more likely to be met by demonstrators protesting against the road itself .
9 In some parts of the world , Anna had discovered , this mystical form of intercourse was known as carezza .
10 The Forest law still applied in some measure , however , to the purlieus , the outlying districts which had been put out of the forest during the fourteenth century — although in some parts of the country the authority of the Forest officers was disputed there .
11 THE depressed state of our own economy recently presented holidaymakers bound for Asia and Africa with an unexpected opportunity to practise shopping techniques common in some parts of the globe before they set off .
12 It is 25 miles to the nearest district general hospital from some parts of the county and ambulances can be delayed on narrow roads , crowded with holiday traffic .
13 The Act treats youth services as a continuum containing educational , recreational , advisory , supportive and therapeutic facilities by putting forward an open-ended catalogue of measures and initiatives which had become ‘ custom and practice ’ or indeed signs of good , innovatory practice in some parts of the country without having had legal backing .
14 ‘ Obviously the message has not got through to some parts of the organisation . ’
15 Some parts of the school can get very cold .
16 The chalet-style hotels blend in easily with the older buildings ; some parts of the village in fact , date back to the thirteenth-century .
17 A defeatist , appeasement-like attitude often was at the heart of federalist thinking found in some parts of the City of London but is repudiated by those such as Professor Tim Congdon in the Sunday Telegraph on 20 October 1991 — ‘ City 's Silly Euro-scare ’ .
18 Although the results achieved by the Leeds adjournment system appeared to favour its widespread adoption , this has not happened , although adjournment has been pressed for in some parts of the country — for example , in South Wales — and has been regarded as useful in certain cases by many authorities .
19 The last few years have seen a tremendous amount of' reconstruction , both internally and externally , some parts of the building having been perilously close to collapse .
20 She had a blurred memory of brown-skinned creatures vaguely female in shape but unsexed by their drab , greasy overalls and trousers , working alongside men in some parts of the factory .
21 Perhaps some parts of the civil rights movement were genuinely , rather than tactically , assimilationist …
22 The proportions of each age group selected into grammar schools varied from as little as 15 per cent in some parts of the country to as much as 40 per cent in others .
23 And this special culture is thought to be found in a particularly acute and virulent form in Scotland and in some parts of the North of England .
24 During the space of a few hours , a one-metre thickness of ash accumulated in some parts of the town which were only a few hundred metres away from the active vent and many house roofs collapsed under the weight .
25 THE worst drought in Britain for 200 years could spell disaster for wildlife in some parts of the country , but locally , there is no cause for alarm — yet .
26 Crocodiles are being preserved in some parts of the world by farming them , because that means that it is not so worthwhile to go out and kill the wild ones .
27 The Tolson Memorial Museum is in Ravensknowle Park , where some parts of the town 's eighteenth-century Cloth Hall have been re-erected , after the historic building 's demolition in 1930 to make way for a cinema the local product was displaced by fantasies woven in Hollywood .
28 In any case some parts of the Committee structure are quite widely known about outside Government ; in these cases what is at issue therefore is a refusal to admit publicly what a lot of people know about privately .
29 In some parts of the world background radiation is very high compared with the UK and quite substantial research has been carried out .
30 Otherwise in some parts of the country enterprising local authorities , having a high standard of efficiency , would collect more than their fair share of taxpayers ' money from the Exchequer to the detriment of other taxpayers in the less enterprising areas of the country .
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