Example sentences of "when i met [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of these papers was a recent statement by the county education committee that no change in the status of the grammar school was contemplated : on that basis , I was able to reassure my anxious colleagues , when I met them on the first day of term , that abrupt change was not imminent .
2 When I met them , I did not come out with all the clichéd bullshit and all the record company going-through-the-motions kind of thing , ’ he says .
3 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
4 And yet , when I met them I thought these are not children that I have to think of as children , they 're people and they 're fascinating !
5 Every last one of them I would imagine that were in that room when I met them er a week ago Friday I would , would probably stake my shirt on it , not that shirt , but this one
6 When I met them after the game and asked them what they thought , they said the highlight was listening to the girl behind them telling her mate that if Batty did n't start playing better then she 'd have to start denying him sex ! ! !
7 Having interviewed my fair share of criminals and oddballs , ranging from murderers to men with silver foil round their heads claiming protection from the moon 's beams , I thought I had a well-developed instinct for sensing a nutter when I met one .
8 Marie used to do that when I met her — you know , sleep all day and then go out at night .
9 When I met her at the airport after she flew in to London from Los Angeles recently , I caught my breath when I saw her because she just looked so lovely .
10 Jackie Marston , manager of the hospital social workers , was still negotiating funding for social work links with these surrounding districts when I met her and some of her team at the hospital .
11 At the end of two years she applied for jobs with various banks and when I met her she had just been accepted as a trainee accounting technician .
12 But when I met her and shook her hand I had a feeling which is hard to explain — other people have had the same experience when meeting this lady .
13 Some some of them were never in t I well I did n't know my aunt when I met her with a hat on .
14 When he told me her name I was so pleased , but when I met her , well , she 's as English as Yorkshire pudding .
15 When I met her , I thought I 'd met the ideal woman .
16 She was doing her PhD in London when I met her .
17 I should be able to do the job without getting involved , but when I met her and took her statement , it was awful .
18 ‘ I have been looking forward to her visit for weeks and was very excited when I met her . ’
19 ‘ I have been looking forward to her visit for weeks and was very excited when I met her .
20 ‘ I was encouraged by the way the idea was received by Sepp Blatter , Fifa 's general secretary , when I met him last month , ’ Kelly said yesterday , ‘ and I 've also been encouraged by his comments since then . ’
21 I liked him when I met him and I still like him now .
22 Andrew was a toddler when I met him ; he was an expert at tantrums when he did n't get his own way .
23 When I met him he was marvellous to work with .
24 JH : Something that Frans Brüggen mentioned when I met him recently [ see JH 's interview , CDR 9/91 — Ed. ] was the still prevalent post-Paganini reversal of performing interest , whereby the difficult appears effortless , and the facile of monumental significance .
25 I was in my forties when I met him — call it middle-aged madness if you like — but he was so kind and thoughtful .
26 When I met him at Wentworth earlier this week he called for a peaceful Ryder Cup match against the Americans at The Belfry in September .
27 I had been horrified at his scarecrow appearance when I first saw him at the clinic , and when I met him by chance in Tala-Tala I felt so sorry for him that I asked him if he would like to come for dinner .
28 ‘ He was so famous when I met him , and I was very intimidated .
29 It was n't his name when I met him .
30 When I met him he 'd just done his shopping for two weeks .
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