Example sentences of "when it suddenly [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you do n't ask him with 100 percent commitment and effort he wo n't do it , yet the feeling I got when it suddenly clicked was just amazing ! ’
2 She was sipping the last of her coffee , however , when it suddenly came to her just how much Ven had been in her thoughts since she had awakened , also how very much she wanted to see him again !
3 She was motoring through Germany , though , when it suddenly dawned on her that she had n't asked Cara that most fundamental of questions — when was she supposed to return to England ?
4 On the morning of 8 May , Ciparis had been waiting as usual for his breakfast to be brought to him , when it suddenly grew dark , and immediately afterwards , hot air laden with ashes began to come through the grating over the door .
5 The plane was flying the Travolta family from Florida to Maine when it suddenly lost all its electrical instruments .
6 Only the vaguest estimates of numbers were available to HQ 5 Corps , when it suddenly found all these heterogeneous groups in its charge .
7 The dog sank its powerful jaws into the boy 's face when it suddenly turned on him as he played at his home in Alton , Hants .
8 She said she and another officer had been pursuing a red Ford Sierra car on the road between the villages of Hillam and Burton , North Yorkshire , when it suddenly stopped and a gunman got out .
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