Example sentences of "when [pers pn] heard him " in BNC.

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1 My friend was about 50 feet above me and almost out of sight in the fog , when I heard him yell at me to ‘ come and see this ’ .
2 When I heard him say that , I thought he meant I was going to die .
3 My heart sank when I heard him say he was in full support of the government 's policy .
4 I thought , when I heard him coming down through the bushes , it could be no one but Tutilo .
5 Indeed , I recall one occasion when I heard him and Tony Benn separately on the radio and they were expressing essentially the same opinions about the same issues .
6 When I heard him speak , he had a lot to say about this .
7 I confess that I literally gasped with disbelief when I heard him calmly announce his determination to get rid of the poll tax at the first possible opportunity .
8 I did n't know he was home and I was just on the point of going into her room when I heard him . ’
9 I must confess , my dear Fanny ( his sister ) , that I found your judgement of him was inadequate ; perhaps , too , he may not have been in the mood for playing when you heard him , which is probably often the case ; but I was again enchanted by his playing , and I am convinced that if you , and Father too , had heard some of his best things in the way he played them to me , you would say the same .
10 One youngster who loved to recite to him felt utterly rejected when she heard him remark that ‘ some unsuccessful applicants were no better than this child ’ .
11 She was deeply upset when she heard him say : ‘ Whatever happens I will always love you . ’
12 Lady Dawkins , who had never heard him speak before , surprised herself by her reaction when she heard him speak at the Albert Hall in January 1912 :
13 She had her back to him when she heard him pick up the mug .
14 It did n't occur to her that she would get a good shot in … fine aim had never been one of her strong points — so when she heard him shout her name behind her , her instinct as ever was to run .
15 When she heard him , Carolyn got up quietly , pressing the blankets down again to stop the cold air getting at Alan 's back .
16 When she heard him coming through she pulled the shower curtain more firmly shut and stretched her hand round the edge .
17 She swung round and marched along the path to where the boat was moored , and this time did n't make the mistake of turning back when she heard him laugh .
18 In public , three times a week , he held a solemn consistory — which had previously fallen into disuse — in which he deputed the examination of lesser cases to others , while the major ones he dealt with himself so subtly and wisely that all wondered at his precision and skill and many educated and legally-learned men came to the Roman Church to hear him and they learnt more in his consistories than they had learnt in the schools , especially when they heard him give sentence .
19 He argued so acutely and convincingly that each party hoped for victory when it heard him arguing on its behalf and there was no advocate who appeared before him who did not greatly fear his cross-examination and interventions .
20 Philip at first took no notice of what he said ; but when he heard him repeat the same thing several times , and saw he was greatly upset by the horse being sent away , eventually replied : ‘ Are you criticising those who are older than yourself , as if you knew more , and were better able to manage him than they ? ’
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