Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [vb past] herself " in BNC.

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1 He slipped into her squelching hole as easily as a knife into butter : and she moaned blissfully when she felt herself well and truly corked .
2 When she told herself that the concern could be genuine .
3 And when she calmed herself sufficiently to face him he had gone .
4 She was happy when she starved herself of new clothes and expensive hairdressers , her bun gone , her blonde hair cut short , strict and styleless , by a merciless local hairdresser .
5 The wooden seat , when she lifted herself on to it , was still warm .
6 Dexter smiled to himself as he imagined his boss 's grimace when she saw herself described in the Mirror as ‘ Scotland Yard 's female supersleuth ’ .
7 She knew why he sounded so strangled when she saw herself .
8 During the last year of her life , when she knew herself to be mortally ill , she resolutely avoided seeing anyone she knew .
9 Jay demanded , her voice ugly , feeling so far away she could lose no more , the angrier she grew the further Lucy went ; but when she forced herself to be quiet and good , Lucy still kept her distance .
10 When she stretched herself and her interpretive talents , like on the great ‘ Martha 's Harbour ’ , we all forgot that our cred was round our ankles for liking them and wept .
11 When she lowered herself into the chair , there was a loud squelching noise similar to that made by a hippopotamus when lowering its foot into the mud on the banks of the Limpopo River .
12 The girl at the reception desk nodded when she introduced herself .
13 It seemed years , ages later when she found herself picking up pieces of broken plate and wiping fried egg off the tiles — so that Gran , when she returned , would find the kitchen tidy .
14 It seemed like a minor miracle when she found herself seated within touching distance of the small group of musicians , until she realised that Rune was well-known here , not only by the management but , as the current number drew to a triumphant close , to the players as well , as they drew him on to the low rostrum and surrounded him with much back-slapping and laughter .
15 The unexpected male voice at the door made her heart race , but she was able to summon up a smile when she found herself looking into Gavin 's hazel eyes .
16 He met her gaze with a certain amount of scepticism , looking very satisfied when she found herself unable to meet his eyes for long .
17 She was too lost in misery , and when she found herself being lifted to her feet embarrassment added itself to the misery .
18 Isabel murmured , her mind still working only sluggishly , although she managed to grasp the saddle when she found herself sitting in it .
19 The woman had become suicidally depressed while pregnant with her previous two children and was devastated when she found herself accidentally pregnant again .
20 Almost dancing on air , Laura had barely come down to earth when she found herself sitting beside him in a small riverside restaurant .
21 Unfortunately , the fragile harmony between them was soon broken when she found herself arguing furiously with him in the dress department of Bloomingdales .
22 Luce struggled to pin down the elusive thought , but it hovered , wraith-like , just out of reach , and in a minute or so was blotted out completely when she found herself being carried into a strange , and clearly masculine , bedroom .
23 But when she got to Auckland , when she found herself alone with Damian for three days and three nights … what would she think of then ?
24 The South African , once ranked in the world 's top 300 , decided to enter when she found herself in the north west for a three-months summer stay with her boyfriend 's family in Bolton , but was never seriously tested as Benmnett fell to her second consecutive defeat in the final .
25 It drove him mad when she turned herself into a sphinx as a ruse to avoid facing the truth .
26 ‘ I hope Wilmot can handle this , ’ said Holly anticipating the lawyer 's reproach when she explained herself to him .
27 It was the feeling she had had as a child when she frightened herself with a detective story .
28 With only five minutes remaining Claire McMahon could have wrapped it up for Pegasus when she gave herself room , but blasted the ball off the post .
29 There was a time when she was interested in their politics , their science , their inventions , when she considered herself a small part of the great adventure , until one day the feeling was born in her that she did not belong among them .
30 When she threw herself down on the grass , he had expected Underwood to take advantage of the situation , but he sat upright and apart .
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