Example sentences of "them [prep] be able " in BNC.

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1 The sensitivity of our topic in Northern Ireland can only lead us to make its problems manifest to readers in order for them to be able better to assess the reliability of the data .
2 Teacher-training , all too often still embedded in traditional teaching techniques , does not offer teachers sufficient guidance for them to be able to adapt to the new requirements in the curriculum ; and the result is that pupils are inadequately guided , and projects and assignments are poorly executed .
3 There seems to be a very uneven development of user education programmes across the country at the moment , hence a need not only to prevent libraries from ‘ reinventing the wheel ’ in this area , but more important for them to be able to obtain advice on the ‘ best ’ available tried and tested programmes and methodologies .
4 This happens surprisingly often with migrating birds — if the weather is too dreadful for them to be able to navigate properly ( and they do seem to rely on the sun or the stars , like medieval sailors ) , they will land in the hope of finding food and shelter until the wind drops or the rain clears up .
5 think feminism has to provide a unified , positive alternative for all women , in order for them to be able not only to know about but to reject and try to escape subordination ( 1979 : 129 ) .
6 's interest in discursive structure takes them too far from psychology , and their fascination with an absolutely psychological unconscious brings them too close to it for them to be able to pursue feminist and psychological interests together .
7 They set about loosening the ropes just enough for them to be able to reach the knot once Graham gave the signal .
8 I have found them working in ways I had never expected them to be able to .
9 From experience , and depending on the species selected , it has been found that with these numbers of large cichlids all present in the same tank , there is not the space for any of them to be able to establish a permanent territory and fight off all invaders .
10 The power cables for both types of generator can be a problem on the bigger models , which require them to be able to handle the maximum current produced by the generator .
11 And I see it as part of my job to help them to be able to judge their own work …
12 As for the barbecue , even the guides can handle it in an emergency , but after the strenuous river trip I prefer them to be able to relax .
13 It is therefore important for them to be able to verify addresses quickly .
14 ‘ Over the next two years , these same people are to be faced with a rise of 25pc for domestic fuel — VAT at 17.5pc plus 3pc or 4pc price rises each year — then obviously there must be a significant increase in pensions and benefits in order for them to be able to pay . ’
15 Well it 's it works best with people who =r mildly depressed in fact , l less so with very severely depressed people , but that is the great majority of people , one in three women with children under the age of five are depressed , for example , so it 's a huge advantage for them to be able to take it and not have side effects .
16 Principally there were at that time other interested parties in the premises er and also erm Mr saw it as essential er that er they were in and running the business er well before the time of the Christmas trade which was rapidly approaching then , then it being late August and er he wanted to make sure that they were in in in time for them to be able to take advantage of those bookings that they anticipated .
17 I 'd like them to be able to walk to school , and that 's what they could do if this school was open .
18 Give them just enough food for them to be able to work for their keep .
19 I 'd like to see what hard nosed er B A I E people would make of it you know people who are making a living from doing the same well you know when I employ somebody coming into the business this is what I want them to be able to do um this has always been of course an a criticism
20 for them to be able to that .
21 erm I I think that being able to acknowledge for themselves — the adults — for them to be able to acknowledge to themselves that this is a very stressful time , that erm that children may be needing that extra bit of sensitivity erm in terms of how we respond to their behaviour , which may be very erm connected with the general level excitement and and stress that I think we as adults are feeling , and certainly that are being picked up from the media .
22 Would you want them to be able to express their emotions more intensely and precisely , able to show how they feel ?
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