Example sentences of "when you consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 The effort involved in any age would be awesome ; it was even more so when you considered the Incas had never invented even the simplest machine for cutting stone or lifting blocks from one place to another .
2 He did n't look effeminate , even when you considered the plain gold ring that pierced his left earlobe .
3 And that 's a particularly praiseworthy feat when you consider the set of parts the Limited boasts .
4 This is not surprising , when you consider the life history of much of our tap water .
5 Still are , when you consider the fifty-five thousand .
6 But when you consider the ecological and aesthetic benefits as well as the shelter and livestock control , a good hedge is good value for money .
7 We also speak of being ‘ consumed ’ with guilt and , although we are not literally eaten away , the phrase is not so very far from the truth when you consider the harmful effect guilt can have on the physical body .
8 When you consider the disruption to your lives if any one of your immediate family was disabled , I am sure you will agree it makes sense to cover all of you .
9 And the cost of this valuable protection is much less than you might think … premiums of Cashguard Plus start from just £6.95 a month and when you consider the amount of cover you can enjoy for that amount , the Plan really does represent value for money .
10 And the cost of this valuable protection is much less than you might think … premiums for Cashguard Plus start from just £6.95 a month and when you consider the amount of cover you can enjoy for that amount , the Plan really does represent value for money .
11 It is amazing that we produce any sprinters at all in this country , when you consider the conditions under which we have to race and train .
12 This makes sense when you consider the stored bank of CFCs in products that have not yet been released in the atmosphere .
13 Models have shown that , with a 20 per cent conversion across Britain , cereal production would decrease by six per cent , oil seed rape by 12 per cent and milk by four per cent — not an enormous reduction when you consider the already existing and wasted surpluses .
14 When you consider the life of Hannah Hauxwell and the privations she has quietly suffered for most of her life , it is reasonable to describe her as a true daughter of Balder .
15 They finally reached Marseilles , an enormous distance , particularly when you consider the devious route they must have taken , but were unlucky enough to be spotted by the Vichy French , who were in league with the Nazis .
16 As a cartridge-only game it costs a hefty £14.95 but when you consider the quality you 're receiving , could you do without this purchase ?
17 Its original rating was 89% , which I feel is far too high when you consider the quality of games such as Rambo , a film licence from several years ago .
18 The overall tone is warm and woody — hardly surprising when you consider the sheer mass of wood involved !
19 When you consider the U-turn antics of the crew in power , we must have the most-two faced politicians in the world .
20 When you consider the players on the pitch today and their ability , he was just miles in front , ’ said the manager .
21 When you consider the difficulties Diana has it speaks volumes that all she could think about was someone else .
22 The pride of Scotland hold a 2–1 European Cup first leg lead but it looks fragile when you consider the awesome power of Leeds on their own territory and the effect of that Yorkshire choir at full blast .
23 When you consider the inexperience of the side they put out in their first Test against France , their 20–15 victory was remarkable .
24 When you consider the relentless quest for the luxury that has gone into each and every one , the cost of purchasing such a lodge does not seem excessive .
25 When you consider the beautifully tailored elegance , combined with the luxury of hand-polished wood , you can only draw one conclusion .
26 Which is hardly surprising when you consider the wealth of intriguing stories that appear inside every issue .
27 And that control became positively wondrous when you consider the other altered circumstance — in Dublin , the Australians were operating before rugby forgot its central themes , before it came charging off the tracks and awarded the put-in to the other team in indeterminate rucks and mauls — turning rugby into an uncontrolled and frothy nothing .
28 Maybe not — not when you consider the list of ten foreign trading partners he has .
29 Much more fittingly , when you consider the vital role she played hustling war time munitions and supplies between depots and docks , she will then haul a demonstration goods train .
30 Not when you consider the calibre of people who are collected here .
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