Example sentences of "when i hear [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh my god when I hear his
2 When I hear my wife I call out , ‘ I 'm here ’ , and she , hearing the sound coming from the cupboard under the stairs , soon releases me .
3 Her face was wrinkled with age but she looked friendly and her voice was pleasant when I heard her talk to the men .
4 I remember the shock of fear when I heard her scream and the sickening jolt of pain through my stomach when I saw the angle of her hand to her arm .
5 ‘ I know that I did n't make a mistake when I heard my telephone ringing last night .
6 At the time I had no other reason to come home , but when I heard my mother only had a short time left it was the only place I wanted to be . ’
7 My stomach turned when I heard our ‘ Number One , ’ Cmdr Boord , announce over the broadcast system : ‘ We are to escort a convoy to Murmansk .
8 ‘ Lou , ’ I said , when I heard his quiet , familiar voice on the phone .
9 However , when I heard his speech , I was very grateful to him for having raised the issue in such a way .
10 I thought the doctor had forgotten to draw back the curtain , and I was just about to do it when I heard his voice .
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