Example sentences of "do [pron] believe that " in BNC.

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1 Neither do I believe that a painter could have painted it — had he seen what I saw .
2 Nor do I believe that the conclusion to be drawn from all this is that life is a miserable business .
3 I do not think either that we can make sense of the Devil in the language of contemporary philosophy or science ; on the other hand neither do I believe that we should try and invent a modern mythology that makes the Devil more credible and accessible .
4 Nor do I believe that it can be said that in no way can we disentangle ourselves from the religious myth which we have inherited .
5 That is to say neither do I believe , in the terms of classical Christology , that Jesus of Nazareth could have had , as well as his human nature , a divine nature ; nor do I believe that he could have been raised from the dead , so acquiring uniqueness through God 's act of raising him .
6 Nor do I believe that private sector training is the answer .
7 Nor do I believe that anything is to be gained by analysing the reported cases in what is presently a contentious area of the law .
8 Nor do I believe that to be a good Christian you have to attend chapel or church every week , or even three times a year .
9 Nor do I believe that the zeal of discovery is a cause for shame .
10 I receive no complaints of substance about the excellent health service in north Devon ; nor do I believe that it has exceeded its authority in any way .
11 Brian Meek , for the Conservatives , said : ‘ I do n't know exactly that this organisation has any right to speak for democracy in Scotland , nor do I believe that it 's an all-party organisation …
12 Do you believe that this could possibly happen in your marriage ?
13 If you want a nuclear-free world , do you believe that the world 's political leaders are crazy warmongers , or that humanity is out to destroy itself , or that the world is a dangerous and evil place ?
14 Do you believe that life is full of suffering ?
15 Do you believe that anger is destructive ?
16 Do you believe that German-speaking art historians will increasingly turn their attention to home-grown art ?
17 Do you believe that the study of German art could begin to attract art historians abroad ?
18 Do you believe that the most important resource at your disposal is the staff ?
19 So when you 're asked do you believe that the entire gross national product should be spent on the N H S people say yes yes of course
20 For what reason do you believe that a relaxation , as you put it , of the greenbelt boundary from the deposit copy to the line you now propose , north of this important village , would not do so ?
21 Do you believe that that the language then is not a big issue in our fellowship .
22 In the same manner , I would also say , ‘ Arab brothers , do you believe that you will make progress in the fight for your cause by helping to realise the plans , unknown to us all , of a megalomaniac and ruthless Babylonian with a moustache ?
23 Do you believe that your Uncle Alfred killed your father ? ’
24 Whichever it is , do you believe that God answers your prayers ?
25 Do you believe that man can levitate ? ’
26 But you asked me , do you believe that your wife can look after children
27 Erm if you look at the next speech he makes , he says , do you believe that people learn nothing from history ?
28 and on that basis you believe that that would be , or do you believe that that would be adequate so that she could maintain and carry on and drive the family car and living in the house children
29 ‘ Why do you believe that a computer system is inappropriate for your business ? ’
30 And as th Jesus come into the house , the blind men came up to him and said and Jesus said to him , do you believe that I am able to do this ?
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