Example sentences of "one possibility is that " in BNC.

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1 One possibility is that the Government will advocate a ‘ carbon ’ tax on the burning of fossil fuels — oil , gas and coal .
2 One possibility is that England could send their B team .
3 One possibility is that the complex wobbles of the Earth 's axis as it orbits the sun contrived to produce a peak of solar insolation — stronger than usual phases of heating by the sun — during the two times of accelerated meltwater runoff .
4 One possibility is that the DGSE somehow hoped that by buying the dinghy in London blame for the operation would be placed on MI6 , although in this case it would have made more sense to buy one made in Britain .
5 One possibility is that there are special cytoplasmic factors that are asymmetrically distributed at cell division — at very early stages there is very good evidence that factors in the cytoplasm are unequally distributed during cleavage .
6 One possibility is that there are master genes whose products control the activity of many others .
7 One possibility is that he took the view in this case that the trust inhered in specific property , and that it was payable by the person who had that property , so far as the other conditions for a valid trust were also met .
8 One possibility is that the tendency to use both is restricted to reducing strain induced by unfavourable syntactic constructions ( i.e. verb-with as against and ) .
9 Any advantage bestowed on KGDC by its peculiar structure remains a mystery — but one possibility is that a molecule with 24 separate binding sites will be much more effective at picking up very small quantities of substrate .
10 One possibility is that only those who fail to fulfil their biological drives need mysticism as an escape , but the rich and famous seem no more immune to the lure of the Maharishi than the rest of us .
11 One possibility is that , by being asked to review a paper , one 's professional standing is on the line .
12 One possibility is that the yeast is releasing toxins and other products that travel around the body in the blood .
13 One possibility is that the colic represents an initial ‘ crisis ’ reaction as the child is exposed to large amounts of cow's-milk or other foreign proteins .
14 One possibility is that the first team to fill their container is the winner .
15 One possibility is that the Sun is currently going through a ‘ quiescent ’ phase : the nuclear reactions at its core are continuing just sufficiently to keep our star shining , but no more than that ; in due course the Sun will get back to ‘ business as usual ’ .
16 One possibility is that women tend to be less involved than men in formal and public speech events where the appropriate or customary style is especially explicit , where logical connections are made on the surface and where information and argument are more important than interpersonal solidarity .
17 The details of Baldwin 's story are confused , but one possibility is that the abbess 's action was prompted by Rufus as a way of making Matilda unmarriageable .
18 One possibility is that the eclipsing material results from the ablation of the surface of the companion star by radiation from the pulsar , derived from its spin-down energy .
19 One possibility is that the sexes have an equal role in mate choice , but our experiment underestimated the expression of male preference because the sexes differ in the way they initiate courtship .
20 One possibility is that they are blind to the spatial properties of the stimuli and that they can distinguish horizontal from vertical only because the two stripe-patterns activate different classes of motion detectors ; that is , detectors of the vertical motion will be stimulated best when a bee approaches or moves past horizontal stripes , whereas the signature of vertical stripes will be a discharge from detectors of horizontal motion .
21 One possibility is that they provide inputs for very specific visual reflexes .
22 One possibility is that the kinds of rules which operate within sentences operate between them as well : that grammar , to put it another way , does not stop with a full stop but reaches over it .
23 One possibility is that some superior form of modifiability occurred in the smell-brain , and I shall return to this later .
24 One possibility is that they do actually see themselves as superior — as opposed to seeing us as inferior or helpless .
25 One possibility is that he had already begun to campaign in western Saxon territory and that additional troops joined him from his supporters there .
26 One possibility is that , with all its institutional faults , the spiritual church offers some form of communication with that part of women that maintains contact with the power of fertility .
27 One possibility is that the fight was in all probability preceded by an exchange of threats , however brief , and the jury would be entitled to infer this even if there was no direct evidence of it .
28 One possibility is that the sexy senorita will stumble on his dark secret when she calls at his home as his male lover is leaving .
29 One possibility is that this measure too responds , at least in part , to the reflectance , rather than merely the area .
30 One possibility is that unions and managements make wage bargains which span the ( expected ) duration of the policy thus avoiding controls on negotiated wages .
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